Open apcamargo opened 1 month ago
Just found the same issue in ERR3638815
and ERR4407703
aws s3 cp s3://logan-pub/u/ERR3638815/ERR3638815.unitigs.fa.zst - | seqkit fx2tab -n | head -n 5
_0 ka:f:1.8
_1 ka:f:2.0 L:+:19185:- L:-:244:+
_2 ka:f:13.8 L:+:5688:+ L:+:31784:+ L:-:67094:- L:-:67095:-
_3 ka:f:16.8 L:-:9465:- L:+:7:+
_4 ka:f:2.5 L:+:83969:- L:+:84123:- L:+:84720:-
aws s3 cp s3://logan-pub/u/ERR4407703/ERR4407703.unitigs.fa.zst - | seqkit fx2tab -n | head -n 5
_0 ka:f:3.5
_1 ka:f:2.0
_2 ka:f:2.0
_3 ka:f:2.1
_4 ka:f:5.1 L:+:146773:+
hi Antonio, thanks for flagging this! Indeed I recall this can happen in a relatively small number of accessions
hoping to fix it at the same time as the kmer repeating problem
Thanks, @rchikhi! Let me know if I can help in any way
Both the contigs and unitigs of the sample
are missing the accession in their headers.Other than the headers, everything looks fine in this sample.