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Shared library of JavaScript code,
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Iss 800 6 #29

Closed burkmarr closed 4 years ago

burkmarr commented 4 years ago

This is to create a new [filterSummary] control to address point 4 here: BiologicalRecordsCentre/iRecord#800 (comment). It is implemented through a new jquery plugin. The control needs to parse existing filters. Code to do this is already present in reportFilters.js for the standard parameters filter control. To make this code accessible to this plugin, I've suggested delegating some of the necessary reporting code in the paneObjList object to a gloal object - indiciaData.filterParser. Is this approach okay?

Note that the control also deals with the statusFilter control, though this isn't included in this branch - it is the subject of another branch.

burkmarr commented 4 years ago

Related client_helpers pull request:

burkmarr commented 4 years ago

Okay I've done that @johnvanbreda. There doesn't seem to be an option to convert a draft pull request to full pull request so I'm going to close this draft and open a new one.