IndieGoodies / PastePal

PastePal is the best universal clipboard manager for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
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Allow disabling "multi select" in quick mode #27

Closed submarines-and closed 1 month ago

submarines-and commented 6 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like Hello, just bought the app and like it so far, but I have one request. My shortcut to show the sidebar is "cmd+shift+v". If I use this to toggle quick mode and hold the modifiers down, I get stuck in multi select mode when using the arrows to navigate between clips.

My request is a toggle to disable multi select. That way, I could keep my keybinding and only paste one item.

Describe alternatives you've considered I have considered switching keybinding, but I have many years of muscle memory assigned to this one, so if at all possible I would like to keep it.

onmyway133 commented 1 month ago

@submarines-and Hi, for now with Quick Mode, you can use a single shortcut to open side window, cycle through the list of items and release to copy/paste

By "hold the modifiers down", you mean the down arrow key?

submarines-and commented 1 month ago

Modifier = shift key, which is part of my sidebar shortcut, but also activates selecting multiple clips.

However, since posting this, I have instead learned to stop holding the keys down like I used to In my old app and now instead press them once and confirm with space, as is intended, so I will close this!