IndieGoodies / PastePal

PastePal is the best universal clipboard manager for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
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Search very very slow #49

Closed jay-schulz-openfellas closed 2 months ago

jay-schulz-openfellas commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug Since about 2 weeks the search takes much longer - and since about 3 days it is incredibly slow, sometimes the application even hangs during the search.

I start a search e.g. for TM: and the application starts to search and does not respond in the Activity Manager. At some point I get the result - until then I only see the "hourglass"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open Sidebar
  2. CMD + F
  3. TM:
  4. wait/lags


Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-05 um 09 25 08

Expected behavior Die Suche soll wieder so performant und schnell sein wie vorher.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context I have already reduced my history from 6 months to 3 months.

jay-schulz-openfellas commented 2 months ago

Additional information that I have forgotten - the diagnostic report.


spazbg commented 2 months ago

I can confirm that I have the same experience and it is very frustrating because I am freshly migrating from the snappy Maccy to PastePal, but this lag during searching - a main feature of the clipboard manager app - is unacceptable...

onmyway133 commented 2 months ago

@jay-schulz-openfellas @spazbg thanks for the feedback, I'm looking into this and will have the fix in upcoming release very soon

onmyway133 commented 2 months ago

@jay-schulz-openfellas @spazbg can you try latest version 2.15.4 to see if it has fixed the issue?

spazbg commented 2 months ago

I am already on Version 2.15.4 (169). Could you tell me if there are any recommended settings, for example, "Items per page" or "Display items"? I was using 100, now I reduced them to 50 and it feels better, or maybe it's from the update

jay-schulz-openfellas commented 2 months ago

I completely restarted a week ago without a backup (deleting the entire history) - during this time it was sometimes unusable.

At the moment it's running smoothly again - just like before. I'll gather experience for a day or two and report back here.

Thanks for your support.

onmyway133 commented 2 months ago

@spazbg It was due to the way I rendered support for large content which wasn't optimal, now I improved that and it should work better

jay-schulz-openfellas commented 2 months ago

@onmyway133 i can report for me. All works fine again - many thanks for you support.

Just info - i'm allready - Premium user.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-25 um 09 22 37

onmyway133 commented 2 months ago

@jay-schulz-openfellas thanks for letting me know, and thanks for supporting the app ❤️ . I will close this issue for now, feel free to ping me again if you have any questions