IndieGoodies / PastePal

PastePal is the best universal clipboard manager for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
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Animated GIFs are not safed as animated GIFs #50

Open thoschworks opened 1 month ago

thoschworks commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Animated GIFs are not safed as animated GIFs.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Share an animated GIF to PastePal
  2. Open PastePal
  3. Scroll down to the saved GIF
  4. GIF is static
  5. Longpress and select View
  6. GIF is not animated
  7. Crosscheck the saved GIF in iCloud Drive
  8. Saved GIF is not animated.

Expected behavior Saved animated GIF is shown with animation.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

onmyway133 commented 1 month ago

@thoschworks Hi, for now gif previewing is available on Mac version only

thoschworks commented 1 month ago

When will it come to iOS?