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Plan Continuous Integration (if needed) #26

Open andrewtremblay opened 6 years ago

andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

Many sites have continuous integration for testing and deployments. Others are fine without the added complexity.


Determine if our project will be successful without continuous integration (manual testing and deployments).


Given our current-consensus on the repo (frontend and backend work occurs on the same repo through multiple directories) multiple applications and programming languages are being used, meaning that our CI infrastructure will quickly become complicated.

Without CI, our quality of shipped code could degrade without constant vigilance to testing and coverage, which adds time to programming overhead.

Without CI, our CI infrastructure will never need to be debugged or managed (because we won't have any), which saves time to programming overhead.

Cost of a CI service is usually free, but we could eventually end up paying for its use.

Feel free to add more pros/cons in the comments!