IndivisibleSomerville / its-our-call

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Responsive Desktop Design #38

Open andrewtremblay opened 6 years ago

andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

It has always been the intention that this app to be responsive. Mobile is a higher priority, so that's what is currently in wireframes. However, responsive desktops are still important for MVP.

Below is the current state of desktop and mobile (notice the large amounts of whitespace in desktop):

screen shot 2018-03-22 at 7 48 07 pm screen shot 2018-03-22 at 7 29 22 pm

Given how modular react components are, we can make a better desktop eventually (and hopefully quickly, if we reuse a lot of the work done with the mobile designs).



The fewer deviations there are between mobile and desktop, the less work an additional design pass will take. Therefore, for fastest delivery of the MVP there should be constraints for the initial desktop design;

andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

FYI, these constraints and requirements aren't set in stone. Just a starting point to launch discussion.

andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

New responsive designs are here (with some small changes still needed):