IndivisibleSomerville / its-our-call

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Issue view #49

Closed andrewtremblay closed 6 years ago

andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

The map component might be completely rewritten, but the majority of the other work is done.

Map types support both state and district, and the bow graph will flex to any numbers of legislators (though it will need more interim states).

The biggest thing added (other than the map and the d3 package) is the tool to make the map data. Districts change at least every ten years (with adjustments made at state-level at the state's discretion). If we want fine grain detail, we might need to delve deeper into government APIs (let's hope that we don't).

Any additional map or graph work should be put in a different PR (since this branch is already pretty big)


andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

Thanks @ethanbb! Most of those comments are probably addressable in different git issues

The bow chart format final touches is handled in issue 50:

And northeast states might lose their circles entirely once zooming is implemented:

Updating the animation speeds are tweaks that we can work out later on during the polish phase.