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Various type linting issues on master #66

Open thekevinscott opened 6 years ago

thekevinscott commented 6 years ago

On pulling master and running yarn start I get:

Failed to compile.

(57,26): Namespace 'React' has no exported member 'CSSWideKeyword'.

Once that's fixed, there's a couple of radix bugs on lines 135, 136, and 137 of pages/IssueView:

Failed to compile.

(135,42): Missing radix parameter

It looks like tslint defines radix as true, and I'm not sure which rules catches the missing exported member but both errors prevent the app for loading from me.

These are fixed in #65

andrewtremblay commented 6 years ago

We might have to pin our versions a bit harder, that first exported member error could be due to a version mismatch: (Similar to:

Also these errors could have occurred because I haven't been using yarn start, but rather npm start.