IndominusByte / fastapi-jwt-auth

FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use, and lightweight)
MIT License
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How to retrieve current user from request.headers while ratelimiting the endpoint? #33

Closed himalacharya closed 3 years ago

himalacharya commented 3 years ago

For ratelimiting the endpoint I want to use two approaches i)based on IP address (unprotected endpoint, no JWT access token)

def get_remote_address(request: Request) -> str:
    Returns the ip address for the current request (or if none found)
    return or ""

It works fine

2 ) based on current user, current user has to be retrieved from JWT access token. JWT access token is created using this fastapi-jwt-auth and user is in get-jwt-subject.

from starlette.requests import Request
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT

def get_user_from_headers(request: Request):
    if 'authorization' in request.headers:

        current_user = AuthJWT.get_jwt_subject()
        return current_user
         return  get_remote_address

Doing this, I couldn't find current-user. How to find current_user if request.headers has authorization?

IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

you must pass an instance of fastapi-jwt-auth to get the current user in the function using dependency injection, for example

def get_user_from_headers(authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
    # you don't need to check authorization if exists or not because fastapi-jwt-auth will handle it for you
    authorize.get_jwt_subject() or get_remote_address

I hope this answer can help you 🙏

himalacharya commented 3 years ago

It doesn't work. I have used to rate limit the endpoint based on Ip address. It worked and want to limit based on user. Using authorize.get_jwt_subject() throws an error.

class LimiterClass:
    def __init__(self):       
        self.limiter = Limiter(key_func=get_user_id_or_ip, strategy="moving-window", default_limits=[DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT])

def get_user_id_or_ip(authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
    print("here",decrypt_data(authorize.get_jwt_subject()) )
    return decrypt_data(authorize.get_jwt_subject()) or get_remote_address

If I remove decrypt_data(authorize.get_jwt_subject()) , it works. Is this issue related to this library or slowapi ?

IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

ahh I see the issue is get_user_id_or_ip() function cannot use dependency injection instead of that you can passing request instance manually to AuthJWT class

def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
    authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
    return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or get_remote_address

final code I tested on my machine

from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Request, HTTPException
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from fastapi_jwt_auth.exceptions import AuthJWTException
from slowapi import Limiter, _rate_limit_exceeded_handler
from slowapi.util import get_remote_address
from slowapi.errors import RateLimitExceeded
from pydantic import BaseModel

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    password: str

class Settings(BaseModel):
    authjwt_secret_key: str = "secret"

def get_config():
    return Settings()

def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
    authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
    return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or get_remote_address

limiter = Limiter(key_func=get_user_id_or_ip)
app = FastAPI()
app.state.limiter = limiter
app.add_exception_handler(RateLimitExceeded, _rate_limit_exceeded_handler)

def authjwt_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AuthJWTException):
    return JSONResponse(
        content={"detail": exc.message}
def login(user: User, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
    if user.username != "test" or user.password != "test":
        raise HTTPException(status_code=401,detail="Bad username or password")

    access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject=user.username)
    return {"access_token": access_token}

async def homepage(request: Request):
    return {"message": "success"}
himalacharya commented 3 years ago
return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or get_remote_address

Thank you very much

himalacharya commented 3 years ago

It works fine for unexpired JWT access token. When token expires , it doesn't work. Following error is generated for expired access token.

ERROR:uvicorn.error:Exception in ASGI application
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\uvicorn\protocols\http\", line 394, in run_asgi
    result = await app(self.scope, self.receive, self.send)
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\uvicorn\middleware\", line 45, in __call__
    return await, receive, send)
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 199, in __call__
    await super().__call__(scope, receive, send)
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 111, in __call__
    await self.middleware_stack(scope, receive, send)
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 181, in __call__
    raise exc from None
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 159, in __call__
    await, receive, _send)
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 25, in __call__
    response = await self.dispatch_func(request, self.call_next)
  File "C:\****\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\slowapi\", line 51, in dispatch
    return exception_handler(request, e)
  File "C:\****l\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\slowapi\", line 88, in _rate_limit_exceeded_handler
    {"error": f"Rate limit exceeded: {exc.detail}"}, status_code=429
AttributeError: 'JWTDecodeError' object has no attribute 'detail'

For expired token, I need to return HTTP 403 Forbidden access.

IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

can you give me detailed information about your code? its error because in JWTDecodeError exception only has message and status_code

himalacharya commented 3 years ago

In from where app runs:

import uvicorn

from app.main import app

if __name__ == "__main__":"test:app", host="", port=8000, reload=True)


from fastapi import FastAPI
import os

from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException

from app.utility.error import http422_error_handler, http_error_handler,authjwt_exception_handler
from app.utility.config import API_PREFIX, DEBUG, PROJECT_NAME, VERSION, Secret
from app.api.api_v1.api import router as api_router
from import create_start_app_handler, create_stop_app_handler

from pydantic import BaseModel

from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from fastapi_jwt_auth.exceptions import AuthJWTException
from import limiter
from slowapi.middleware import SlowAPIMiddleware

private_key = """
public_key = """
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

class JwtSettings(BaseModel):
    authjwt_secret_key: str = str(Secret)

def get_config():
    return JwtSettings()

def get_application() -> FastAPI:

    application = FastAPI(title=PROJECT_NAME, debug=DEBUG, version=VERSION)

        "startup", create_start_app_handler(application))
        "shutdown", create_stop_app_handler(application))

    application.add_exception_handler(AuthJWTException, authjwt_exception_handler)
    application.add_exception_handler(HTTPException, http_error_handler)
        RequestValidationError, http422_error_handler)
    #Rate limit on endpoint using slowapi adapted from
    application.state.limiter = limiter.LimiterClass().limiter


    application.include_router(api_router, prefix=API_PREFIX)

    return application

app = get_application()

In , file is as

from slowapi import Limiter, _rate_limit_exceeded_handler
from slowapi.util import get_remote_address
from slowapi.errors import RateLimitExceeded
from app.utility.config import DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse, Response
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from import decrypt_data

class LimiterClass:
    def __init__(self):

        self.limiter = Limiter(key_func=get_user_id_or_ip, strategy="moving-window", default_limits=[DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT])

Method : Get user_id for JWT access token , IP address for not having token
@Param : 
    1. request : type-> Request
Return: User id or IP address 
def get_user_id_or_ip(request : Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
    authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
    return decrypt_data(authorize.get_jwt_subject()) or get_remote_address

After applying ratelimit, it doesnot show AuthJWT excception message for expired token instead shows error message as

AttributeError: 'JWTDecodeError' object has no attribute 'detail'

But it throws an error for unexpired refresh token also. For unexpired refresh token , same error generates as for expired access token. But AttributeError is

AttributeError: 'AccessTokenRequired' object has no attribute 'detail'

Code works fine if I ratelimit based on only IP address.

IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

Can you share the code in the authjwt_exception_handler function? I tested on my machine it works very well

himalacharya commented 3 years ago
async def authjwt_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AuthJWTException):
    return JSONResponse(
            'data': None,
            'code': 401,
            'status': False,
            'message': exc.message
IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

I don't know exactly why the error is appearing, from me the code its good and should be run very well

Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 11 36 33
himalacharya commented 3 years ago

Problem in my application is due to AuthJWT Exception detail message. When expired token is provided then it tries to find user but got AuthJWT exception. However, in the above code you provided as an example, ratelimit doesnot work after the signature has expired. If I made too fast clicks, it should ratelimit that user. But always following message comes

image Ratelimit doesn't work. Here is the code based on your above code

from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Request, HTTPException
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from fastapi_jwt_auth.exceptions import AuthJWTException
from slowapi import Limiter, _rate_limit_exceeded_handler
from slowapi.util import get_remote_address
from slowapi.errors import RateLimitExceeded
from pydantic import BaseModel
import uvicorn
from datetime import timedelta

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    password: str

class Settings(BaseModel):
    authjwt_secret_key: str = "secret"

def get_config():
    return Settings()

def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
    authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
    return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or get_remote_address

limiter = Limiter(key_func=get_user_id_or_ip)
app = FastAPI()
app.state.limiter = limiter
app.add_exception_handler(RateLimitExceeded, _rate_limit_exceeded_handler)

def authjwt_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AuthJWTException):
    return JSONResponse(
        content={"detail": exc.message}
def login(user: User, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
    if user.username != "test" or user.password != "test":
        raise HTTPException(status_code=401,detail="Bad username or password")

    access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject=user.username,expires_time= timedelta(
        minutes=1) )
    return {"access_token": access_token}

async def user(request:Request , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):

    current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject()
    return {"user": current_user}

async def homepage(request: Request):
    return {"message": "success"}

if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", host="", port=8000, reload=True)
IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

Yeah, it should doesn't work if the signature has expired you should refresh the token before accessing the endpoint, authorize.jwt_optional validate the token before getting id or IP on ratelimit

btw the example above little bit wrong when get id or ip for ratelimit library, you should return directly because if from function its return callable instance

def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
    authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
    return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or

you can see the storage on limiter to check you doing right or not

async def v_2(request: Request):
    print( # to check storage on limiter
    return {"message": "success"}
Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 13 18 42
himalacharya commented 3 years ago

Ok . A last query on this issue to my application work: If validation jwt token fails then return request.client,host, it could solve the problem in someway

def get_user_id_or_ip(request : Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
    authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
###Needs a logic here if validation fails i.e. AuthJWTexception then return
#If validation works then return user
#If no token return
    return decrypt_data(authorize.get_jwt_subject()) or

How to write a logic to check if authorize.jwt_optional() validates or AuthJWTexception?

IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

There is some approach that can be done, e.g like this

def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
        authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
        return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or
    except AuthJWTException:
himalacharya commented 3 years ago

There is some approach that can be done, e.g like this

def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
        authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
        return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or
    except AuthJWTException:

Thank you

himalacharya commented 3 years ago

I have consulted with author of slowapi about above method and got following feedback raising security implication,

IndominusByte commented 3 years ago

Yeah you have a security issue since you except the error from jwt and mixing access control into rate-limiting, but it's okay because you validate again in your endpoint

# error from jwt it's excepted which has a security impact
def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
        authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
        return authorize.get_jwt_subject() or
    except AuthJWTException:

# but you validate again in your endpoint
async def v_2(request: Request, authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
    return {"message": "success"}