[x] Given user is viewing the list of training programs
[x] When the user clicks on a training program
[x] Then the user should see all details of that training program
[ ] And any employees that are currently attending the program
[ ] Given user is viewing the details of a training program
[ ] When the user clicks on the edit link
[ ] Then the user should be presented with a form that allows the user to edit any property of the training program unless the training program has already taken place
Testing Criteria
[ ] * Your test suite must verify that the content of the responses contain all required input fields, where appropriate.
[ ] * Your test suite must verify that when a PUT operation is performed to the corresponding URL, then a successful response is received. Status code must be 200 and the resource should be updated in the database.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Given user is viewing the list of training programs
[x] When the user clicks on a training program
[x] Then the user should see all details of that training program
[ ] And any employees that are currently attending the program
[ ] Given user is viewing the details of a training program
[ ] When the user clicks on the edit link
[ ] Then the user should be presented with a form that allows the user to edit any property of the training program unless the training program has already taken place
Testing Criteria