Industruino / IndustruinoSAMD

Industruino SAMD Core
5 stars 4 forks source link

Fair to say Industruino is an abandoned product. #4

Open cheetor5923 opened 4 years ago

cheetor5923 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately for hardware with a lot of promise. This is a worthless product for use in industrial automation.. It's now running 8 year old Arduino core and is buggy and effectively useless. And it is NOT compliant with the Arduino API in many ways... avoid

tomtobback commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, i see we have not followed up on the 2 other issues you have raised, apologies. However, the Industruino D21G performs well while using the Arduino IDE and the standard I/O functions, so I don't agree with your statement. Many people use Industruinos in real applications without any issues.

cheetor5923 commented 4 years ago

I think a lot of folks using it are only really asking it to do some very basic tasks.. I think it's more that I'm using it to do a lot of very complex stuff. Multi-threaded software... Modbus out the RS-485, CANopen via a module on the expansion port, Ethernet to a Festo machine vision system. doing all this stuff and more I've run into quite a mess of issues with 1.0.1 on our project.


I didn't think I was being too unfair in using 'abandoned' to describe a project with it's last commit in 2017. I've been having much more success with the SAMx branch but it's not available in the normal board manager for Arduino or in PlatformIO(Doesn't have the Industruino either) and hence it's a real pig to get working. Thing is 20 years from now I have to make sure somebody who is not me is able to grab my code off the company SVN and compile it with minimal effort. That's why we picked Arduino as a platform, a consistent abstraction layer on which we can build code that will compile in 20 years time on some new uC and still work as intended.

Now please don't get me wrong I do like the Industruino. I'd just like to see some progress towards migrating from 1.0.1SAMD to 1.6.18SAMx as the 'official' core for Industruino going forward. Official PlatformIO support would be great too. I'm more than happy to assist with this as I've already got PlatformIO working happily with the Industruino (incl debugging). Only thing I haven't figured out yet is getting it to upload over USB (I suspect it's because I used the Zero as a template and it has a different bootloader). I'm sure between us we can get this done. I suspect PlatformIO and debugging support will be good for sales, lure some more folks away from expensive PLC platforms.

mvandenabeele commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to get Industruino D21G to work with Platform.IO. Would you be willing to share what you've got so I have something to go from?

Kind regards, Merijn

kumajaya commented 3 years ago

Sorry for hijack this old issue but still relevant since no update activity from Industruino. For PlatformIO support, please check Not tested to upload any build yet since my only one Industruino D21G far away from me for now.

kumajaya commented 3 years ago

I'll be receiving some Industruino D21G next week but I already made some progress on Industruino PlatformIO support, you can check I managed to successfully flash Blink example to Arduino MKRZERO using indrustruino_d21g board environment. Of course the program not run correctly, as I thought 😄

kumajaya commented 3 years ago

How to add Industruino support to Platform IO: