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Is there a way to include & instance an IFC in another? #20

Open Moult opened 5 years ago

Moult commented 5 years ago

For any text based standard it's indispensable to be able to split its contents into multiple files and instance them. I'm looking for an equivalent of an "include" or "instance" directive, so that I can have things like the following scenario "site.ifc includes building.ifc which includes and places 3 instances of single-door-asset.ifc"

I know that IFC is based on STEP and STEP has no concept of include, and its concept of instancing is essentially a glorified GOTO that only works within the same file, but is there some way of accomplishing this?

How do people currently create reusable assets in the format of IFC?

bSI-Technical commented 5 years ago

Why not post your questions over at the official buildingSMART International Forums < > and see if you can find answers there?

Moult commented 5 years ago

Sounds good - I've sent an account registration request.

I-Sokolov commented 5 years ago

Moult, unfortunately we have no way in IFC4, we miss this ability badly, and looking for solution in IFC5