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Represent the frustum of a rectangular pyramid #4

Open Supporting opened 8 years ago

Supporting commented 8 years ago


is it possible to represent the frustum of a rectangular pyramid as a IfcExtrudedAreaSolid + IfcRectangleProfileDef. I found IfcDerivedProfileDef to transform the base profile. However, this entity transforms the base profile. Is there anyway to transform the profile along the extrusion?

Using IfcRectangularPyramid + IfcHalfSpaceSolid is not an option, because the apex of the pyramid is not necessarily directly above the centre point of the base.

Any other ideas?

theoryshaw commented 8 years ago

I'm no IFC expert, but could you use IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered?

Attribute Type
1 SweptArea IfcProfileDef
2 Position IfcAxis2Placement3D
3 ExtrudedDirection IfcDirection
4 Depth IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
5 EndSweptArea IfcProfileDef

see the following data excerpt from the air terminal example. It uses the IFCDERIVEDPROFILEDEF entity.

/* The air terminal type (imported from referenced library) */
#270= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((0.,0.,0.));
#271= IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#270,$,$);
#275= IFCRECTANGLEHOLLOWPROFILEDEF(.AREA.,$,$,24.,24.,2.,10.,0.);
#276= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((12.,12.,0.));
#277= IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#276,$,$);
#278= IFCDIRECTION((0.,0.,1.));
#282= IFCDERIVEDPROFILEDEF(.AREA.,$,#275,#281,$);
#283= IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLIDTAPERED(#275,#277,#278,4.,#282);
#284= IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION(#212,'Body','AdvancedSweptSolid',(#283));
#286= IFCAIRTERMINALTYPE('1FESQ2M9vC7xYWZpI_LlCh',#209,'Acme Diffuser 1234','Ceiling diffuser',$,(#260,#269),(#285),$,$,.DIFFUSER.);

And in hierarchy...


Supporting commented 8 years ago

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.

Unfortunately, the support in tools seems to be quite limited. Any idea which tool can render an IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered?

jmirtsch commented 8 years ago

Hi Supporting, If you're a revit user, then my revit plugin should create a swept blend, You can also download the evaluation version of Rhino3d and install ggRhinoIFC from the above link as an alternative. Get in touch if there are problems.

martin1cerny commented 8 years ago

Hi @Supporting, development branch of xBIM supports full IFC4 including all kinds of geometry. Development branch of XbimXplorer can visualize all these including IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered.