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Merge multiple versions of an IFC file? #8

Open theoryshaw opened 7 years ago

theoryshaw commented 7 years ago

Does anyone know of a solution that...

Essentially looking for a solution that merges multiple versions of an IFC file over time.

aahoo commented 7 years ago

Using IfcOpenShell, the first question can be solved with a few lines of code. The second one requires a lot of work.

aothms commented 7 years ago

In addition, there might be some overlap with what the BIMserver's ModelComparePlugin tries to accomplish.

I-Sokolov commented 7 years ago

Some important details may depend on your specific application/task so I doubt there is ready solution.

theoryshaw commented 7 years ago

Hi Igor,

This link will give a little more backstory and intention.

Do you mean objects as IfcObject entities? Relations or type objects it may be a different story.

Would be just IfcObjects at this point. Worry about relations and type objects later.