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Indy handle cookies with path #505

Closed EvgenyLevitskiy closed 8 months ago

EvgenyLevitskiy commented 8 months ago

i got one site that set cookies with path during redirect 302, example :


the CookieManager don't save this cookies, so i have manually to change ACookie.Path := '/'; on event OnNewCookie and now cookies are saved. is there another option to handle cookies with path or allow them to be saved?

rlebeau commented 8 months ago

The only way TIdCookieManager would not save the cookie is if it has expired. Otherwise, TIdCookieManager will look for an existing cookie with a matching Name, Domain, Path, etc, and if found then remove the old cookie. Regardless, TIdCookieManager will save the new cookie as long as it is not expired. The Path should not be preventing a new cookie from being saved, it should only be influencing whether TIdCookieManager sends the cookie back to the server on subsequent requests. Are you sure that is not the actual problem instead? Are you sure the cookie's Path matches the URL(s) you are expecting it to be sent back to?

EvgenyLevitskiy commented 8 months ago

Ok, now i see that TIdCookieManager save all Cookies, but i still don't understand why with ACookie.Path := '/'; load correct page

dest: - NumRedirect: 1 - VMethod:GET

dest: /interaction/18890697-d876-4c1a-a9c4-1d655df5de17 - NumRedirect: 2 - VMethod:GET

4 Cookies:
tokenpremium=uioo5rtao3qi0ntl8640038qiv; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=251704105579; Expires=Fri, 31-Dec-9999 22:59:59 GMT
amNewPopupHashes=YToyOntzOjc6ImJyb3dzZXIiO3M6NDA6ImQ4ZjQ4Nzc4NWI3NzVkNzk0MmVlNzkyYzBmNDFlYzZiYzdiOGQ3YmYiO3M6NDoidXNlciI7Tjt9; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=15551999; Expires=Sun, 21-Apr-2024 22:53:40 GMT
_grant=18890697-d876-4c1a-a9c4-1d655df5de17; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=900; Expires=Tue, 24-Oct-2023 23:08:41 GMT
_grant.sig=gOiNjXEd-p5Ll71dh57RBrNMtzI; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=900; Expires=Tue, 24-Oct-2023 23:08:41 GMT

and without ACookie.Path := '/'; send back to main page with message no cookies are found

dest: - NumRedirect: 1 - VMethod:GET

dest: /interaction/fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9 - NumRedirect: 2 - VMethod:GET

dest: - NumRedirect: 3 - VMethod:GET

6 Cookies:
tokenpremium=v3u0mjj70fds8o4o4m1usulrm0; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=251704105212; Expires=Fri, 31-Dec-9999 22:59:59 GMT
_grant=fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9; Path=/interaction/fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=899; Expires=Tue, 24-Oct-2023 23:14:47 GMT
_grant.sig=qaYAieoN-JAxD5DF2BHIsLXvqkY; Path=/interaction/fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=899; Expires=Tue, 24-Oct-2023 23:14:47 GMT
_grant=fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9; Path=/auth/fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=899; Expires=Tue, 24-Oct-2023 23:14:47 GMT
_grant.sig=qaYAieoN-JAxD5DF2BHIsLXvqkY; Path=/auth/fab23be0-c927-4c93-b5ed-09d0e34feca9;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=899; Expires=Tue, 24-Oct-2023 23:14:47 GMT
amNewPopupHashes=YToyOntzOjc6ImJyb3dzZXIiO3M6NDA6IjhiZTA5YThjMWI0MTVmZjc3OTZkOWYwNzZlYjgzMmY4OWQwYThlMzciO3M6NDoidXNlciI7Tjt9; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Max-Age=15551999; Expires=Sun, 21-Apr-2024 22:59:47 GMT

P.S. cookies with path /interaction/... and /auth/... server send allways as expired.

EvgenyLevitskiy commented 8 months ago

Hello Remy!

i have done several test with request for website and i find following problem :

function IsPathMatch(const AUriPath, ACookiePath: String): Boolean; try to execute TextIsSame and its return false because AUriPath := /interaction/ and ACookiePath := /interaction/af822c5a-c32b-4d30-99ad-25bc97180998

normaly AUriPath should be also /interaction/af822c5a-c32b-4d30-99ad-25bc97180998. see redirect destination : dest: /interaction/af822c5a-c32b-4d30-99ad-25bc97180998 - NumRedirect: 2 - VMethod:GET

i think

function TIdCookie.IsAllowed(AURI: TIdURI; SecureOnly: Boolean): Boolean;

  function MatchesHost: Boolean;
    if HostOnly then begin
      Result := TextIsSame(CanonicalizeHostName(AURI.Host), Domain);
    end else begin
      Result := IsDomainMatch(AURI.Host, Domain);

  // using the algorithm defined in RFC 6265 section 5.4...
  Result := MatchesHost and IsPathMatch(AURI.Path, Path) and
            ((not Secure) or (Secure and SecureOnly)) and
            ((not HttpOnly) or (HttpOnly and IsHTTP(AURI.Protocol)));

should be IsPathMatch(AURI.GetPathAndParams, Path)

in RFC 6265 you can read following rule : * The request-uri's path path-matches the cookie's path.

in my case requested /interaction/af822c5a-c32b-4d30-99ad-25bc97180998 and not /interaction/

rlebeau commented 8 months ago

Using AURI.GetPathAndParams would be the wrong thing to use here, since a URL's query parameters are not part of its path. Besides, the URLs in question do not have query parameters anyway. You are probably thinking of AURI.Path + AURI.Document instead of AURI.GetPathAndParams.

But, I think you are correct, TIdCookie.IsAllowed(), as well as GetDefaultPath(), need to take the TIdURL.Document into account when processing url paths. I will make that change.

rlebeau commented 8 months ago

Let me know if that works.

EvgenyLevitskiy commented 8 months ago

its works, thanks!