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documentation can't be downloaded #515

Open tanto-grs opened 6 months ago

tanto-grs commented 6 months ago

Hey guys, i have the problem, that the documentation can't be downloaded. Not the .zip or .7z files is it possible to repair this?

best regards

rlebeau commented 6 months ago

Can you be more specific? Which download exactly is not working? The HTMLHelp .zip file on this repo works fine for me.

tanto-grs commented 6 months ago

hey, i mean the pdf as zip or 7z

rlebeau commented 6 months ago

What PDF are you referring to? What is the EXACT url you are trying to download that is not working?

fabiosabatinebock commented 5 months ago

What PDF are you referring to? What is the EXACT url you are trying to download that is not working?

All the links in the download section is broken, there's no link working.

rlebeau commented 5 months ago

If you are referring to the download links on then yes, they are all broken. Please see this blog article about that:

Also see on this repo.