Indyresjoel / theindyreshole

this is the red pill. you take the red pill, you stay in indyresland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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2016 Summer Writing Assignments: Part One - A day in the life of your future, future and future self. #4

Closed Indyresjoel closed 4 years ago

Indyresjoel commented 8 years ago

1) A day in the life...

If you happen to hate creative writing assignments, call it something else. I believe that creativity takes many forms. Feel free to present or express yourself however you'd like. However, there is logic behind sticking more to storytelling and less to bullet points. The reason for communicating the future goals you have in a story form is that telling a story creates self-regulating interdependencies in order to finish the story. Painting the picture of a day in the life of your future self will assume lots of other things are in place, things that may not be worth a bullet to you on a list of goals, but still important for the company to hear about. Additionally, bullets often can be idealistic and able to be a strong statement that are inconsiderate of the needs of another bullet. A story built to weave them all together forces us to be understanding and realistic with our expectations. So that's why a creative assignment. If you'd like to outline the objectives or goals in addition to, or if you would like to create them as an outline to build your story around, you can present those with your story if you would like. If you flat out see no value or enjoyment out of doing this exercise, you can just tell me that and skip it entirely as well.

alexindrez commented 8 years ago

What is the deadline for this completed?

Indyresjoel commented 8 years ago

Whoops! Added. Thursday the 11th.

manelius commented 8 years ago

@Indyresjoel I'll be on vacation the 11th. Should I complete them before I leave, or will I have a couple extra days when I get back?

Indyresjoel commented 8 years ago

@manelius I want to read them and ponder them by the beach when I am on vacation. It's the only "work" thing that I'll be doing on vacation, and I'm okay with it because it is actually fun for me. If you can just try to have it to me by the 11th, I'd appreciate it. If not, I'll make time for it after.

Mel-IndyRes commented 8 years ago

@Indyresjoel is this purely a homework assignment, or should we allot some time during work hours to tackle this? If the latter, how much time at most? An hour - hour and a half?

manelius commented 8 years ago

Good questions @Mel-IndyRes