Inego / Aglona-Reader

Aglona Reader for .NET - A program for reading, creating and editing parallel books (books in two languages) in the original ParallelBook format
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Windows API Dependencies #1

Closed Ramblurr closed 9 years ago

Ramblurr commented 9 years ago


I'm a FOSS developer and a avid language learner. Aglona is very exciting and I would love to use it in my language studies. However I only use Linux.

I tried to get Aglona running on Linux using the Mono framework, but it appears Aglona isn't pure .NET, it uses many native windows calls.

There are two places it uses native windows calls:

  1. ParallelTextControl.cs
  2. NAudio (in WaveInterop.cs, and AcmInterop.cs)

To get a minimally working version of Aglona, disabling the audio support would be a fine first step. This leaves us with just ParallelTextControl.cs.

ParallelTextControl.cs is using GDI for many font calculations. Can't this be done in pure .NET?

And an even bigger question, are you interested in getting Aglona working on OS besides windows?

Inego commented 9 years ago

Hello! The first version of Aglona used pure .NET functions for computing widths, but I was extremely dissatisfied with performance, so I had to switch to GDI. Of course, porting Aglona to different OS (beside Android which has already been done by myself) is fascinating! Unfortunately, I cannot dedicate any free time to the project right now. Who knows when I will be able to.

Ramblurr commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the response!

Aglona seems to work pretty well in wine on linux, though you can't change font settings or things like that. For aligning it works well enough.

Have you, or anyone else, done any work on converting the PBO format to interlinear EPUBs or MOBI?

Inego commented 9 years ago

Not yet. The latest "feature" was exporting to a HTML file to two-column table.

Inego commented 9 years ago

The current code of Aglona Reader is intended to be used on Windows only.