Inelukas / pet-app
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Tapping Game #27

Closed JohannMerck closed 3 days ago

JohannMerck commented 2 weeks ago

User Story

Value Proposition

As a player, i want to play a game that includes tapping on buttons that light up randomly, In order challenge my reflexed and gain points which will increase the energy level of my Pet.



The game consists of several buttons on the screen. Buttons light up randomly, and the player needs to tap them as quickly as possible to score points. Each correct tap earns the player points, while tapping the wrong buttons result in point deduction. The game speeds up every 10 seconds, increasing the challenge. The score increases or decreases the Energy Level of the current Pet in real time.

Acceptance Criteria


SylvieDoumet commented 2 weeks ago

Your user story effectively conveys the value proposition and desired feature but could benefit from more detail about the player experience (such as how the game should feel and the role of effects in enhancing that experience) and the pet's role.

The criteria cover the core functionality but are somewhat a bit flue, disjointed and could be better organized.

The User story (once more!) lacks specifics about how the game handles edge cases or unexpected behavior