EFILE EIGENNVAL VASP cannot be recognized when I set EFILE, some problems are occured in read_incar.f90,
2882 elseif(i_dummy .eq. 2) then
2883 read(inputline,*,iostat=i_continue) desc_str, desc_str
2884 if(trim(desc_str) .eq. 'VASP' .or. trim(desc_str) .eq. 'vasp') then
2885 PWGHT%efile_type='vasp'
The characters ’VASP‘ cannot be properly assigned to the variable 'desc_str'. Instead, the character 'EFILE' is assigned.
EFILE EIGENNVAL VASP cannot be recognized when I set EFILE, some problems are occured in read_incar.f90,
2882 elseif(i_dummy .eq. 2) then 2883 read(inputline,*,iostat=i_continue) desc_str, desc_str 2884 if(trim(desc_str) .eq. 'VASP' .or. trim(desc_str) .eq. 'vasp') then 2885 PWGHT%efile_type='vasp'
The characters ’VASP‘ cannot be properly assigned to the variable 'desc_str'. Instead, the character 'EFILE' is assigned.