Fully Functional & Somewhat Popular | A mod manager for the CMC+ v8 (Crusade Modding Community Plus Version 8) build of SSBC (Super Smash Brothers Crusade). [Electron, TypeScript & React]
There should be a custom build process which removes the update scripts of the program and updating should notify the user that an update is available to download and install manually.
Actually now that I think of it, it might make sense to remove the sh / bat script for zip builds depending on the target os, rather than storing the build info in a JSON file.
One of the issues with Linux builds is the URI association. It looks like this might be possible to fix with a .desktop if the program is installed properly.
There should be a custom build process which removes the update scripts of the program and updating should notify the user that an update is available to download and install manually. Actually now that I think of it, it might make sense to remove the sh / bat script for zip builds depending on the target os, rather than storing the build info in a JSON file.