Infineon / arduino-pas-co2-sensor

Arduino library for Infineon's XENSIV™ Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) CO2 miniaturized sensor
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Support for Arduino SAMD boards? #15

Closed cwittwer closed 1 year ago

cwittwer commented 1 year ago

Just curious if there will be or is support for Arduino SAMD boards(in my case using a MKR WiFi 1010)?

jaenrig-ifx commented 1 year ago

Dear @cwittwer,

In principle other Arduino core should also work with the library. But that in practice that is not the case. I just see that the inconsistencies with the attachInterrupt() function signature arg types are making the build fail. We will spend some time on this issue after Xmas holiday.

Thanks for your patience :)

jaenrig-ifx commented 1 year ago

Hi @cwittwer,

Sorry for the late reply. The necessary changes to be able to build the library for SAMD boards are available in the latest release.

Nevertheless, we have not run the code on a SAMD target. Let us know if you try in your setup.
