Infineon / platformio-infineonxmc

Scripts and examples for developing XMC Microcontroller Boards using Platform IO
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no Wire.h in XMC4700? #19

Open RudolphRiedel opened 4 months ago

RudolphRiedel commented 4 months ago


I am trying to compile an Arduino / PlatformIO project that uses SPI for the XMC4700 and it fails over not finding Wire.h: .platformio\packages\framework-arduinoxmc\libraries\SPI\src\HW_SPI.cpp:28:10: fatal error: Wire.h: No such file or directory

Can we please get an update to ?

Also, the link to the documentation is dead:

And Infineon XMC is not listed here:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

This issue is stale because it has been open more than 6 weeks with no activity. Please comment on this issue if it's still relevant or it will be closed automatically after 1 week.

RudolphRiedel commented 1 week ago

Yes, this is still relevant.

ederjc commented 1 week ago

Hi @RudolphRiedel,

Thanks for raising this topic and sorry for the delayed reply! The reported issue is absolutely valid and this repo needs an update. We will look into this. I will keep this issue open in the meantime.

Best regards Julian

RudolphRiedel commented 1 week ago

No worries, I only commented again in order to not let the bot autoclose the issue. And I wonder if there is a way that I could update the package myself, I tried this in a different platform and failed. This could have been a pull-request.

RudolphRiedel commented 5 days ago

I tried again to update the package myself, looks like the only thing that needs to be changed here is platform.json: "framework-arduinoxmc": { "type": "framework", "owner": "platformio", "version": "^1.4.0", "optional": true },

Yeah, set this to 3.1.0 and done. However, this requires a new framework package to be registered in the PlatformIO registry:

And I can not figure out how to change the framework package in the registry.

I figured out how to use a different package though.

Add this to platformio.ini: platform_packages = framework-arduinoxmc @

And the package is installed from the repository. The only issue there is now that the package.json for this repository is outdated and reports a version 2.1: Platform infineonxmc @ 1.2.0 (required: infineonxmc) ├── framework-arduinoxmc @ 2.1.0+sha.11a51bf (required: git+ └── toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.70201.0 (required: platformio/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ >=1.60301.0,<1.80000.0)

So at least there is a workaround.

RudolphRiedel commented 5 days ago

And in regards of not finding Wire.h, updating to a newer version of XMC-for-Arduino did not help with that. What helps is adding this to platformio.ini: lib_deps = ${env.lib_deps} Wire

Somehow the dependancy scanner in PlatformIO fails and I even added "lib_ldf_mode = chain+" for an issue with a different platform.