InfinetyEs / Nova-Menu-Builder

A Menu Builder for Laravel Nova
MIT License
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Adding Menu Items Causes Flashing and Loss of Focus #17

Open DerekBuntin opened 5 years ago

DerekBuntin commented 5 years ago

On a fresh Laravel 6x install and the latest menu builder I can easily create a new menu but when adding a new menu item after each letter is added to an input field onkeyup the popup flashes and the input focus is removed so you need to click into the input field for each character, it does save afterwards.

sytheveenje commented 5 years ago

Got the same issue.

mythsam commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue as well. Very distracting when trying to edit the name or url on the modal, but copy and paste value works.

hofmannsven commented 5 years ago

Can confirm.

hellozach commented 4 years ago

I've been able to narrow this issue down to the modal being inside a <transition> tag. I'm not exactly sure what's going on but if I go into the dist/J's/tool.js file and change the transition element to a div, then the flashing and losing focus goes away.

I'll work on a PR over the next week or so.

hofmannsven commented 4 years ago

@hellozach Thank you very much for having a look at this!