InfiniTimeOrg / InfiniTime

Firmware for Pinetime smartwatch written in C++ and based on FreeRTOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bluetooth setting is behaving abnormally #1961

Closed rambonette closed 3 months ago

rambonette commented 5 months ago


What happened?

Opening bluetooth setting turns off bluetooth on ui only, toggling bluetooth off does not work when connected to companion app

What should happen instead?

Opening bluetooth setting should not turn off bluetooth, disabling bluetooth should disconnect from companion app

Reproduction steps

The issue could be divided in two parts:

1. When visiting the bluetooth setting and leaving without changing anything results in UI reporting bluetooth not connected (check the icon on the top right corner)

I'm intentionally saying "UI reporting bluetooth not connected" because as you can see from the video the device is still connected as Gadgetbrige it's still able to trigger the "find lost watch" routine.

2. Bluetooth does not turn off while the watch is connected to the companion app (phone)

When bluetooth is disabled the watch should disconnect from the paired device, but it does not as again Gadgetbridge is able to launch the "find lost watch" routine. It triggers off only once also Gadgetbridge also disconnects.

P.S.: sorry for my frustrating mis-clicks, poor quality and overall shakiness of the videos, I'm only hoping to help :smile:

More details?

I'd gladly make a PR but my day job is taking all my time at the moment.


1.14.0 but, did not test in previous versions

Companion app
