InfiniTimeOrg / InfiniTime

Firmware for Pinetime smartwatch written in C++ and based on FreeRTOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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notifications: add option to clear all notifications #2000

Open KaffeinatedKat opened 4 months ago

KaffeinatedKat commented 4 months ago

I have added an action to dismiss all notifications in the notification viewer. You swipe left and it moves the notification to reveal a button that dismisses all of the notifications. If the menu is open and you swipe right it closes.

The button looks kinda jank currently. I really like the idea of swiping to reveal a button, but I don't know how to make it look good

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Build checks have not completed. Possible reasons for this are:

  1. The checks need to be approved by a maintainer
  2. The branch has conflicts
  3. The firmware build has failed
JustScott commented 4 months ago

@KaffeinatedKat What if you implemented a long press action that pops up your button in the middle of the screen?

KaffeinatedKat commented 4 months ago

I thought about that, but I hate how inconsistent the long press action is detected, so I went with a swipe action because it's much more consistent

minacode commented 4 months ago

If we ever get to implement iOS notifications, we will need both left and right swipe to interact with them. Not super relevant right now, but there might be a conflict in the (far) future.

KaffeinatedKat commented 4 months ago

how come? How are iOS notifications different from android ones?

minacode commented 4 months ago

Apple has its own BLE service 😄