Infinicraft-Mod / infinicraft

Minecraft Infinicraft mod
MIT License
26 stars 4 forks source link

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '`', "```json { "... is not valid JSON #2

Closed sussyboy123 closed 2 weeks ago

sussyboy123 commented 2 weeks ago

so i edited the code that can run on chatgpt reversed proxy and i getting this error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '`', "```json { "... is not valid JSON"

and heres the edited code: " // Imports const axios = require('axios'); const fs = require('fs'); const OpenAI = require('openAI')

const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: 'myapi', baseURL: '' })

// Settings const url = undefined; // The texture server's URL (leave blank for no server)

// Script console.log('Listening for file changes...')

// Wait for new recipes to be added // Craft queue stores all unresolved recipes, sent from the mod const craftCache = []'craftQueue.json', {}, (event) => { if (event != 'change') return

const file = fs.readFileSync('craftQueue.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'}) if (!file.length) return // empty file

const queue = JSON.parse(file) if (!queue.length) return // empty queue

// try to craft everything in the queue queue.forEach(recipe => { if (craftCache.indexOf(recipe.join(' + ')) != -1) return; // ignore duplicates in queue

craftCache.push(recipe.join(' + ')) // add this recipe to the cache

craft(recipe) // request a craft


fs.writeFileSync('craftQueue.json', '[]') // empty the queue })

// Waits for new items to be added // Items are added when by craft(), when a new recipe comes in with a new item const textureCache = []'items.json', {}, (event) => { if (event != 'change') return;

const file = fs.readFileSync('items.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'}) if (!file.length) return

let items; // the list of items to be added

try { items = JSON.parse(file) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }

if (!items) return;

// if its a custom item and it doesn't have a texture, request one // get all custom items w/o textures and not in cache if (!url) return // no server

const missingTextures = items.filter((item) => item.custom && !item.texture && textureCache.indexOf(item.item) == -1)

for (let item of missingTextures) { textureCache.push(item) // add to cache texture(item) // request a texture the item } })

// Requests the server to craft (GPT) a new item // Takes in an array of item strings async function craft(items) { const recipe = items.join(' + ') console.log('Crafting: ' + recipe)

const prompt = fs.readFileSync('./prompt.txt', 'utf-8') const messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": recipe} ]

// query chatGPT const completion = await{ model: 'pai-001', messages, temperature: 0.75 })

console.log(completion.choices[0].message.content) const output = JSON.parse(completion.choices[0].message.content)

const itemName = output.item // the new item const itemColor = output.color // the new item's color

console.log(Item crafted: ${recipe} = ${itemName});

// add the recipe to the recipe JSON const recipes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('recipes.json', 'utf-8'))

recipes.push({ input: items, // the input items output: itemName, // the output items color: itemColor // the item's color })

fs.writeFileSync('recipes.json', JSON.stringify(recipes, null, 4))

// add the item to items JSON const itemsList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('items.json', 'utf-8'))

if (itemsList.filter((itemObject) => itemObject.item == itemName).length) return // item is already registered itemsList.push(output)

fs.writeFileSync('items.json', JSON.stringify(itemsList, null, 4)) }

// Requests the server to texture an item // Server should respond with an array that represents the item's texture function texture(itemObject) { console.log('Requesting texture for: ' + itemObject.item) + 'texture', itemObject) .then(response => { console.log('Received texture for ' + itemObject.item)

// add texture to the item in the items doc
const items = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('items.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'}))

items.filter((i) => i.item == itemObject.item)[0].texture =

fs.writeFileSync('items.json', JSON.stringify(items, null, 4))

}) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error);

// if at first you don't succeed, try again!

}); } "