Closed yangjinhao1234 closed 2 years ago
I suppose you can use calls in some thread executor. But be sure that your DB instance is thread-safe.
Or you can take time to implement your own DataBase class where all methods will be rewritten to asyncio style. You also can make some custom methods only required for you to be async
this orm just use http to chat with clickhouse,is it ? can i just change the func _send() from database class. maybe i will use aiohttp to change this ,and other like old time. will it work?
and i find the aioch, it is a simple async client repo. dose this orm can use on aioch's client?
really thank u.
no, you can't just change only the function _send() because it is used in many places in this class you need to rewrite usage of this function in all places where it's being used
probably you just use it as-is . Since DB queries should be fast enough. If you really need to make async queries then when needed, use plain SQL with any client library that you want, but use infi.clickhouse_orm only for modeling the DB schema and migrations for example
I spent some time as experiment to try to create such class. It may not be considered ready to prod and you can take it only as an example for your future changes. For example, authentication is not there yet. Some places where async/await should exist, I may also missed. Maybe if I have spare time I will try to make a PR to this repo with this async db
It may not work fully but I was able to do the following:
from async_database import AsyncDatabase as AD
ad = await AD.async_init('default')
from myapp import clickhouse_models as cm
vs = cm.MyModel.objects_in(ad)
await vs.count()
# In [5]: await vs.count()
# Out[5]: 545587
""" Async database."""
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from infi.clickhouse_orm.database import Database, ServerError, Template
import pytz
class AsyncDatabase(object):
Database instances connect to a specific ClickHouse database for running queries,
inserting data and other operations.
def __init__(self, db_name, db_url='http://localhost:8123/',
username=None, password=None, readonly=False, autocreate=True,
timeout=60, verify_ssl_cert=True, log_statements=False):
Initializes a database instance. Unless it's readonly, the database will be
created on the ClickHouse server if it does not already exist.
- `db_name`: name of the database to connect to.
- `db_url`: URL of the ClickHouse server.
- `username`: optional connection credentials.
- `password`: optional connection credentials.
- `readonly`: use a read-only connection.
- `autocreate`: automatically create the database if it does not exist (unless in readonly mode).
- `timeout`: the connection timeout in seconds.
- `verify_ssl_cert`: whether to verify the server's certificate when connecting via HTTPS.
- `log_statements`: when True, all database statements are logged.
self.db_name = db_name
self.db_url = db_url
self.readonly = False
self.timeout = timeout
# self.request_session = requests.Session()
# self.request_session.verify = verify_ssl_cert
# if username:
# self.request_session.auth = (username, password or '')
self.log_statements = log_statements
self.settings = {}
self.db_exists = False # this is required before running _is_existing_database
async def async_init(cls, db_name, db_url='http://localhost:8123/',
username=None, password=None, readonly=False, autocreate=True,
timeout=60, verify_ssl_cert=True, log_statements=False):
self = cls(
self.db_exists = await self._is_existing_database()
if readonly:
if not self.db_exists:
raise DatabaseException('Database does not exist, and cannot be created under readonly connection')
self.connection_readonly = await self._is_connection_readonly()
self.readonly = True
elif autocreate and not self.db_exists:
self.server_version = await self._get_server_version()
# Versions 1.1.53981 and below don't have timezone function
self.server_timezone = await self._get_server_timezone() if self.server_version > (1, 1, 53981) else pytz.utc
# Versions 19.1.16 and above support codec compression
self.has_codec_support = self.server_version >= (19, 1, 16)
# Version 19.0 and above support LowCardinality
self.has_low_cardinality_support = self.server_version >= (19, 0)
return self
async def create_database(self):
Creates the database on the ClickHouse server if it does not already exist.
await self._send(self.CREATE_SQL % self.db_name)
self.db_exists = True
async def drop_database(self):
Deletes the database on the ClickHouse server.
await self._send(self.CREATE_DATABASE_SQL % self.db_name)
self.db_exists = False
async def create_table(self, model_class):
Creates a table for the given model class, if it does not exist already.
if model_class.is_system_model():
raise DatabaseException("You can't create system table")
if getattr(model_class, 'engine') is None:
raise DatabaseException("%s class must define an engine" % model_class.__name__)
await self._send(model_class.create_table_sql(self))
async def drop_table(self, model_class):
Drops the database table of the given model class, if it exists.
if model_class.is_system_model():
raise DatabaseException("You can't drop system table")
await self._send(model_class.drop_table_sql(self))
async def does_table_exist(self, model_class):
Checks whether a table for the given model class already exists.
Note that this only checks for existence of a table with the expected name.
sql = "SELECT count() FROM system.tables WHERE database = '%s' AND name = '%s'"
r = await self._send(sql % (self.db_name, model_class.table_name()))
return r.text.strip() == '1'
def get_model_for_table(self, table_name, system_table=False):
Generates a model class from an existing table in the database.
This can be used for querying tables which don't have a corresponding model class,
for example system tables.
- `table_name`: the table to create a model for
- `system_table`: whether the table is a system table, or belongs to the current database
db_name = 'system' if system_table else self.db_name
sql = "DESCRIBE `%s`.`%s` FORMAT TSV" % (db_name, table_name)
lines = self._send(sql).iter_lines()
fields = [parse_tsv(line)[:2] for line in lines]
model = ModelBase.create_ad_hoc_model(fields, table_name)
if system_table:
model._system = model._readonly = True
return model
def add_setting(self, name, value):
Adds a database setting that will be sent with every request.
For example, `db.add_setting("max_execution_time", 10)` will
limit query execution time to 10 seconds.
The name must be string, and the value is converted to string in case
it isn't. To remove a setting, pass `None` as the value.
assert isinstance(name, str), 'Setting name must be a string'
if value is None:
self.settings.pop(name, None)
self.settings[name] = str(value)
async def insert(self, model_instances, batch_size=1000):
Insert records into the database.
- `model_instances`: any iterable containing instances of a single model class.
- `batch_size`: number of records to send per chunk (use a lower number if your records are very large).
from io import BytesIO
i = iter(model_instances)
first_instance = next(i)
except StopIteration:
return # model_instances is empty
model_class = first_instance.__class__
if first_instance.is_read_only() or first_instance.is_system_model():
raise DatabaseException("You can't insert into read only and system tables")
fields_list = ','.join(
['`%s`' % name for name in first_instance.fields(writable=True)])
fmt = 'TSKV' if model_class.has_funcs_as_defaults() else 'TabSeparated'
query = 'INSERT INTO $table (%s) FORMAT %s\n' % (fields_list, fmt)
def gen():
buf = BytesIO()
buf.write(self._substitute(query, model_class).encode('utf-8'))
# Collect lines in batches of batch_size
lines = 2
for instance in i:
lines += 1
if lines >= batch_size:
# Return the current batch of lines
yield buf.getvalue()
# Start a new batch
buf = BytesIO()
lines = 0
# Return any remaining lines in partial batch
if lines:
yield buf.getvalue()
await self._send(gen())
async def count(self, model_class, conditions=None):
Counts the number of records in the model's table.
- `model_class`: the model to count.
- `conditions`: optional SQL conditions (contents of the WHERE clause).
from infi.clickhouse_orm.query import Q
query = 'SELECT count() FROM $table'
if conditions:
if isinstance(conditions, Q):
conditions = conditions.to_sql(model_class)
query += ' WHERE ' + str(conditions)
query = self._substitute(query, model_class)
r = await self._send(query)
return int(r.text) if r.text else 0
async def select(self, query, model_class=None, settings=None):
Performs a query and returns a generator of model instances.
- `query`: the SQL query to execute.
- `model_class`: the model class matching the query's table,
or `None` for getting back instances of an ad-hoc model.
- `settings`: query settings to send as HTTP GET parameters
query += ' FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNamesAndTypes'
query = self._substitute(query, model_class)
r = await self._send(query, settings, True)
lines = r.iter_lines()
field_names = parse_tsv(next(lines))
field_types = parse_tsv(next(lines))
model_class = model_class or ModelBase.create_ad_hoc_model(zip(field_names, field_types))
for line in lines:
# skip blank line left by WITH TOTALS modifier
if line:
yield model_class.from_tsv(line, field_names, self.server_timezone, self)
async def raw(self, query, settings=None, stream=False):
Performs a query and returns its output as text.
- `query`: the SQL query to execute.
- `settings`: query settings to send as HTTP GET parameters
- `stream`: if true, the HTTP response from ClickHouse will be streamed.
query = self._substitute(query, None)
return await self._send(query, settings=settings, stream=stream).text
async def paginate(self, model_class, order_by, page_num=1, page_size=100, conditions=None, settings=None):
Selects records and returns a single page of model instances.
- `model_class`: the model class matching the query's table,
or `None` for getting back instances of an ad-hoc model.
- `order_by`: columns to use for sorting the query (contents of the ORDER BY clause).
- `page_num`: the page number (1-based), or -1 to get the last page.
- `page_size`: number of records to return per page.
- `conditions`: optional SQL conditions (contents of the WHERE clause).
- `settings`: query settings to send as HTTP GET parameters
The result is a namedtuple containing `objects` (list), `number_of_objects`,
`pages_total`, `number` (of the current page), and `page_size`.
from infi.clickhouse_orm.query import Q
count = self.count(model_class, conditions)
pages_total = int(ceil(count / float(page_size)))
if page_num == -1:
page_num = max(pages_total, 1)
elif page_num < 1:
raise ValueError('Invalid page number: %d' % page_num)
offset = (page_num - 1) * page_size
query = 'SELECT * FROM $table'
if conditions:
if isinstance(conditions, Q):
conditions = conditions.to_sql(model_class)
query += ' WHERE ' + str(conditions)
query += ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by
query += ' LIMIT %d, %d' % (offset, page_size)
query = self._substitute(query, model_class)
return Page(
objects=list(await, model_class, settings)) if count else [],
def migrate(self, migrations_package_name, up_to=9999):
Executes schema migrations.
- `migrations_package_name` - fully qualified name of the Python package
containing the migrations.
- `up_to` - number of the last migration to apply.
raise NotImplemntedError("Migration-related functions are not supported in async style. Use sync Database class")
async def _get_applied_migrations(self, migrations_package_name):
raise NotImplemntedError("Migration-related functions are not supported. Use sync Database class")
async def _send(self, data, settings=None, stream=False):
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode('utf-8')
if self.log_statements:
params = self._build_params(settings)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with, data=data, params=params) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
raise ServerError(resp.text())
resp.text = await resp.text()
return resp
def _build_params(self, settings):
params = dict(settings or {})
if self.db_exists:
params['database'] = self.db_name
# Send the readonly flag, unless the connection is already readonly (to prevent db error)
if self.readonly and not self.connection_readonly:
params['readonly'] = '1'
return params
def _substitute(self, query, model_class=None):
Replaces $db and $table placeholders in the query.
if '$' in query:
mapping = dict(db="`%s`" % self.db_name)
if model_class:
if model_class.is_system_model():
mapping['table'] = "`system`.`%s`" % model_class.table_name()
mapping['table'] = "`%s`.`%s`" % (self.db_name, model_class.table_name())
query = Template(query).safe_substitute(mapping)
return query
async def _get_server_timezone(self):
r = await self._send('SELECT timezone()')
return pytz.timezone(r.text.strip())
except ServerError as e:
logger.exception('Cannot determine server timezone (%s), assuming UTC', e)
return pytz.utc
async def _get_server_version(self, as_tuple=True):
r = await self._send('SELECT version();')
ver = r.text
except ServerError as e:
logger.exception('Cannot determine server version (%s), assuming 1.1.0', e)
ver = '1.1.0'
return tuple(int(n) for n in ver.split('.') if n.isdigit()) if as_tuple else ver
async def _is_existing_database(self):
r = await self._send("SELECT count() FROM system.databases WHERE name = '%s'" % self.db_name)
return r.text.strip() == '1'
async def _is_connection_readonly(self):
r = await self._send("SELECT value FROM system.settings WHERE name = 'readonly'")
return r.text.strip() != '0'
I love u brother.This is all I want. Async and light orm.It's prefect.I'll will do as this one.If I debug some bug,I will tell u. Nobody will refuse the faster program
I love u brother.This is all I want. Async and light orm.It's prefect.I'll will do as this one.If I debug some bug,I will tell u. Nobody will refuse the faster program
@yangjinhao1234 can you report back if you're using the Async code with this orm?
in fact, my team give up the clickhouse for some reason, but I have change the orm to asyncio, I test a few func. something diffrent with the top code. maybe i will commit the code in a few days
would love to see your code
would love to see your code
sorry guys, I ask it for my leader. I can't commit it because it has company code. but I will make a version without company code in spring festival. maybe I even will add the join and the mult select support. In the test, u can run it in the async thread executer like asyncio.to_thread() func
would love to see your code
sorry guys, I ask it for my leader. I can't commit it because it has company code. but I will make a version without company code in spring festival. maybe I even will add the join and the mult select support. In the test, u can run it in the async thread executer like asyncio.to_thread() func
It will be highly appreciated!
There's some Python clients out there for async clickhouse
asynch is much better
asynch is much better
yes, asynch has the async mode , but it lose the orm, write sql by coder is not the frist choice of my team. In fact, my team has add the async mode , but I can't open source it. And I don't have time to make my own version. Sorry and I think I should close this issue
My project uses asyncio. i like this light orm, do i have any ways to use it in a async way?