Infinidoge / nix-minecraft

An attempt to better support Minecraft-related content for the Nix ecosystem
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fix: un-break nix flake show by moving packages into legacyPackages #30

Closed hxr404 closed 1 year ago

hxr404 commented 1 year ago

The legacyPackages output was created for nixpkgs which has it's derivations inside of nested attribute sets instead of a single top-level set. Since this flake also uses nested sets for its packages we can simply make use of this to unbreak it.

Temporary fix until #11 is done (or welp perhaps even a permanent fix in case #11 doesn't get picked up again)

Infinidoge commented 1 year ago

Hmm.The issue is that this is a breaking change for anyone not using the overlay.

hxr404 commented 1 year ago

Yeah that makes sense, didn't think of that tbh -_-

What about adding back the packages options which basically just points to legacyPackages, but with a deprecation notice? I'm not sure what the exact release / branching model of this repo is, but perhaps you could make some kind of "next" / "develop" branch where this gets pushed to without the compat layer, so users have time to migrate to the new "format" and people who already want to have their nix cli un-broken before the next "release" or whatever can do that already

Either way, at some point you're gonna have to introduce a breaking chance if you want to un-break the nix cli. So why wait until #11 is potentially finished?

Anyway that's just my 2 cents, idk if I missed anything else so yeah

Infinidoge commented 1 year ago

A deprecation notice would be good enough for me.

I might take the opportunity to do a little refactoring to put some packages in the top level without the attrsets.

hxr404 commented 1 year ago

Ok cool, thx, will do that in a sec!

(kinda) unrelated question: Would you be interested in upstreaming this? If yes, perhaps simply switching to legacyPackages altogether would probably be the best idea anyway.

Btw, do you have a matrix account or some similar way to contact you? I'd like to contribute a few PRs (if you don't mind) so it would probably make sense to coordinate that a bit to save your (and my) time. Alternatively I could just post here on GitHub directly, but I think I'd better ask.

Infinidoge commented 1 year ago

I have most of what would be required for this PR locally already, just thinking of how best I should handle pulling in the extra packages.

I have a Discord account at Infinidoge#1337, which is my preferred method of communication. I also have a Matrix account, however I make no promises about active responses there, as I do not check it regularly.