Infinite-Dango-Studios / ganbatte

A visual novel / dating sim game created with Ren'Py.
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Improve game screen/menu #24

Closed ExcaliburZero closed 9 years ago

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Currently the game has a built in sub-menu that appears while the game is being played. Unfortunately, the default sub-menu does not looks very good, and overlaps somewhat with the game screen.

The sub-menu can be seen at the bottom right of the following screenshot.


I have seen other Ren'Py based visual novels, such as Katawa Shoujo, that have opted to remove this sub-menu and replace it with a similar menu that pops up when the right mouse button is clicked.

An example of this can be found in the following screenshot.


Since the pop-up sub-menu seems to look and work a bit better than the current default sub-menu, I think I will try to implement some sort of pop-up submenu.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I've started working on the in-game menu using the add-game-menu-24 branch. It's going well so far.

Once I get some of the problems with it fixed I will merge it into the master branch.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Here's a screenshot of the work in progress in-game menu:


ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I've gotten the in-game menu working fine. However my implementation of it has messed up some other menus, as shown in the image below.


I think I'm going to try doing the menus in a method whereby they all pop-up over the current screen rather than being all on their won screen. I'm not sure, but I'll continue looking into the issue.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I've gotten most of the problems with the menus fixed so far. I think I'll finish the odds and ends up, and then hold off on doing any more modifications to the menu system for a bit.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I have gotten the menus all set for now, and have merged the branch I was working on into the master branch.

Since I have added in the in-game menu, I will close this issue.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I have done a bit of work on getting an alternate method of implementing the in-game menu working. This method should be a bit more simplistic and work better.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I think I've got the in-game menu working better now, using the new method of implementing it. I have now merge the changes I've made into the master branch.

Here is what it currently looks like:


Since I've gotten the alternate implementation working, I will close this issue.