Infinite-Dango-Studios / ganbatte

A visual novel / dating sim game created with Ren'Py.
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Character artwork for proof of concept #3

Closed ExcaliburZero closed 9 years ago

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

For the Proof of Concept we will need basic character art for maybe two to three characters.

Currently I have the sketches of Kokona, Host Club Otaku Girl, Megane Loli, Kosuke Kasai, Misaki Kasai, Athletic Lover, and Yuuki Akuma. I can clean up the sketches a bit an use them for the proof of concept, or if the artists want they could come up with some more up to date artwork. Though if we do go with the sketches we should probably get one together for Haruki, the main character.

The characters that will that will appear in the proof of concept, and thus need artwork, will be decided in #4.

I'd be fine with either, but what do you all think?

So we need to:

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

haha wrong button! ooops Like I said on the other one, I'll do art when I know what art needs doing, As for the main character, I wasn't sure if we'd see him or not, but I will need a description before I can generate a visual.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor Yeah, the button placement on the text box is quite odd.

Yep. I think Sabre-Hecate will be able to come up with a description of the main character.

Also, what is your opinion on the art for the proof of concept? Do you think we should use cleaned up versions of the sketches, or should we go with new artwork?

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Sabre-Hecate posted the script for the proof of concept on #4.

Here is a list of all of the characters in that scene:

I will add those character's to the checklist on the top post of this issue.

**However, looking at the script, it looks like we won't be having the main character on-screen, instead having it from his view. So we won't need character art for Haruki yet.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

Hm. I think that I could probably get the art together pretty soon. I'll need like a week or so, since I don't have anything for the parents yet. But we'll get there~.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

ooooh kay first is there a deadline for this project? If it's close I'll sketch up the parents and we can use the sketches.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor Sounds good. Let me know when you get some of the artworks done, so I can go into the details of adding it to the project.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor There isn't a set deadline. We should try to finish it soon, but we don't have any set time period for it.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Guys, two questions:

  1. What does the cafe uniform look like?
  2. Does Kokona have hair when we first meet her? I mean, theoretically she could either have short hair or no hair. She might not be on hardcore treatment until she gets bad again (i imagine her as a better then regression case, hence why she's relatively normal in the early game) And also in terms of hair, are we going full anime on this? Like, will the range of possible hair colors include pinks and purples and blues and stuff or is it going to be strictly normal hair colors? Does Otaku still dye her hair blonde?
Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

In addition to those points: WHen you design Riku, I imagine him (and write him) to be in his early twenties. 21-23ish.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

As soon as we push open the door and the little bell chimes out, the smell hits me. The beautiful, wonderful, ambrosial scent that fills every corner of this building. The smell reminds me of when I was younger, when my mother was baking bread and cakes. It’s warm too. Being inside Ganbatte feels like sitting next to a fireplace on a cold winter night. All around me is a cacophony of voices, happy voices and excited voices and cheerful voices. There are no sad voices or angry voices. No screaming or shouting or crying. This place is wonderful. This place is home.

I stare at the counter and I gasp. The counter runs the entire length of the café and contains more sweets and pastries than I have ever seen in one place in my entire life. Jars and jars of multicolored konpeito sit atop the counter, with lollipop trees next to them. Beneath the glass of the counter I see rows and rows of wagashi, a myriad of multicolored dango, pyramids of daifuku, hundreds of anpan, a whole sea of taiyaki, manju…monaka, onigiri of all shapes, colors and sizes, suama, uiro, yokan…a limitless spread of flavors and colors. Drink machines sit on the wall behind the counter, and workers dressed like Kosuke and Misaki mill about between the machines and the counter. They take the orders of customers with a smile. Occasionally they pass in and out of a door that I suppose must lead to the kitchens.

(In text description of interior of Ganbatte Cafe)

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago


ok so I can post all the designs I have so far, including the cafe uniforms

As far as Kokona with hair I actually designed her with really long hair for when we first meet her. I think it makes it even more sad when it all gets hacked off. And colors of hair I'm going normal because...? I dunno they're already designed that way and I don't wanna go back and change it, lol.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Please do post it all~!

Definitely makes Kokona's loss more sad. 100% agree.

Haha, seems legit.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Yep, please post the art. Let me know what ones need to be added into the game.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

aaaah??? how??? where??? do I post??? yeesh I suck with technology.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor If there aren't too many images, just drag them into the post box. If there are a lot, then you may want to look into creating something like an Imgur gallery to contain them all.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

She'll need a gallery :P

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

thanks for covering me, Stephen but yeah, a gallery would be good. How do? I'm sorry, technology is not my strong point

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor Go to and make an account if you don't already have one.

Then upload the images that you want in the gallery.

Then on the right side of your images page there should be somewhere where it says "Add to album:". Click on the box next to it and select "New Album". Fill out the form that pops up.

Click on "Add images" on the album page, and select from the images that you have uploaded, all the ones you want to add to the album.

That should be it, let me know if you need any help.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

alright, give me a little bit. I can't scan at the moment, so I'm just going to take pictures, which I know isn't great but hey it'll do in a pinch. should have them up soon- your advice works fine~

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor That sounds good. Let us know when you get them up.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago


should I make the album public? I don't want my trashy clothes designs to be stolen

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor You can make the album public if you want. I don't think it will really make much of a difference either way.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

ok finally they all LOADED my username is juanitaylor, again idk if that helps

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor Here is the link to the album:

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

yeah that's the one!!! happy browsing, kids

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago


boxesofflowers commented 9 years ago

@Sabre-Hecate oh yeah for sure. I was just thinking of the whole palette and colors dilemma. When creating the sprites/characters and outfits and all that, the coloring has to be super consistent, so guessing and checking won't work. Also, for code you probably need hex-codes or something, so it'd be good to nail that down before I started making up sprites and everything.

boxesofflowers commented 9 years ago

ok so I was thinking for the proof of concept, we could just use the two final designs of Misaki and Kosuke (not sure what to do about their parents, they're sort of ambiguous at this point??). You could always use them as placeholders instead of the pink and blue thingies we're using now. Also, not sure if we're eventually going to use open mouth along with closed mouth, (ex. open mouth as the text appears, closed mouth while waiting for user response). yeah, just random questions here~~

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@boxesofflowers Yeah, I think for the proof of concept we'd only need the artwork for a few characters like Misaki and Kosuke. We could do mouth and eye movement if you want, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the time to do it or not.

I think once we have the normal image for any character, I can set all of the dummy images for the other expressions of that character to use the normal expression image until the other expression images for that character are made.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Since there is another issue on character art, #12 , I will close this issue.