Infinite-Dango-Studios / ganbatte

A visual novel / dating sim game created with Ren'Py.
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Game interface design #8

Open ExcaliburZero opened 9 years ago

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Currently the game is set to use a default interface theme, however, while this is okay for now, we will eventually need to change it to something more customized for the game.

I can probably handle most of the coding for the interface, but I will need the help of the artists to come up with what the style of the interface will be.

Essentially what we need is a style for windows and general screens. So, at least a color scheme and some sort of background texture for text windows.

This isn't currently a very important issue, but it is something that will eventually need to be addressed.

boxesofflowers commented 9 years ago

I think starting a color palette for the game would be a really good idea, to keep everything consistent. Hex codes and everything, so it's not just guess-and-check.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@boxesofflowers That sounds good. It would be a good idea to come up with a color palette beforehand to keep everything consistent.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Does anyone have any ideas for what the color theming for the game should be?

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

I feel like warm colors, browns, oranges, etc, would be good, since our theme is cafe?

boxesofflowers commented 9 years ago

I agree with Jacoba, warm colors would be good, especially darker warm colors, because I feel like the story is sort of...darkish? it would be cool if the color palette changed depending on the path you choose, but that might be a little cray

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Not brown AND orange. Anything but those two together. I don't know why, but I sort of don't like those two together? IDK...maybe I'll like what you two do with it.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Warm colors sound good.

@boxesofflowers I'm not sure if it would be possible to change the color pallet in different points of the game, but I might try looking into that at some point to see if it is possible.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I've started doing so testing of the customization features of the engine. You can try the latest version to see how it currently looks. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like currently:

sc - 07

We can customize just about everything without too much difficulty. I also tested out making box border styles with images, with an example being the text box in the screenshot made with this source image:


Let me know what you come up with for the color scheme and I'll work to incorporate it into the game.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Looks nice so far!

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I also just tested out character labels, which can put the character names in a separate box:

sc - 08

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

I think maybe I like # 2 better. shrug

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Didn't mean to put that link there...

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

Changing the color pallet might be weird, and distract from the game, but if it's subtle, it might be effective le shrug

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I have implemented separate character name boxes that I screenshotted earlier into the game with 3740715c0cf381677e407f96cdec154dc66af038 . We can go with this system or we can go with the original system depending on what we come up with for the design.

Another example:

sc - 09

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Also, a slightly interface related issue is text speed. Currently when you click on the screen all of the text of the next dialogue comes up at once, however the text speed can also be set up to display the letters over a second or so, like a typewriter effect. If we want to use that we can set a default speed and the player can modify that speed if they want. Or we can leave the feature disabled as it is now. I'm not sure which option would work better.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

definitely not all at once. it's cool if it appears like a typewriter owo

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@juanitaylor Yeah, I think a slight typewriter effect might work better. But we should make sure the timing of it flows well.

I'll add in the typewriter effect, and try working around with the settings a bit. Worst comes to worst, we can always just switch it back.

I recommended you try testing it out once I finish playing with the settings a bit.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I added a typewritter (text speed) effect and a click to continue icon in 38a117d5901a7f337c9414495e2d98545e4d7790 . Test it out and let me know if it needs any adjusting.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

We should probably try putting together some sort of color pallet for the game, that way we can iron out the color scheme a bit.

boxesofflowers commented 9 years ago

I'll work on color palette. As for other interface-type things, font is going to change and backgrounds are going to be drawn. I checked out the sample, and the mechanics are nice, the only thing is there's a lot of redundant text, (since it's a visual novel, less detailed descriptions will work) and since the game is long, a buttload of exposition isn't really necessary, because the player will ideally learn this information as it pertains to the plot later on. also, I was playing for ~10 minutes and there were only two opportunities to make a choice. ideally, every time you're replying to something someone's said, there should be a choice. it doesn't have to change the path, it just engages the player and may change the next response. ex. Character A: Let's go! Main Character: Sure. vs. Character A: Let's go! Main Character: (Sure!) (Ugh, ok.) (Where?)

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@boxesofflowers Let me know what progress you make on the color pallet, so I can try to incorporate it into the website.

With fonts we'll probably have to find a font that comes with most operating systems by default, or ship the font file with the project.

As for the game dialogue choices, Sabre-Hecate has been going with a style similar to Katawa Shoujo, whereby there are less choices for the player to make, but each choice fuels the dialogue that follows it and thus each choice has more meaning. But that's a bit off topic for this issue.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@boxesofflowers Once you finish making the color pallet you should probably add it to the Ganbatte resources repo. Let me know if you need any help doing so.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Since boxesofflowers has offered to work on the color pallet, I'll assign this issue to her for now.