Infinite-Dango-Studios / ganbatte

A visual novel / dating sim game created with Ren'Py.
1 stars 3 forks source link

couple of things on my end #9

Closed juanitaylor closed 9 years ago

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

oooookay so firstly I figured out that the artists have a buttload of art to do we have: -450+ character sprites -75+ backgrounds -100+ CGs

These things take a lot of time, and in the name of efficiency we'd like to request more help from more artists. @ChocoTacoKitty and I know someone who could maybe help, their name is Adrian. I was also thinking that Priscilla could help, right @Sabre-Hecate ? We especially think the backgrounds will be tough, so someone to just do filler work (detail stuff in the bgs) would be really nice.

@ChocoTacoKitty and I compared this to another dating game we've both played, called DRAMAtical Murder by Nitro+Chiral. It's very similar to this game in format, so we're using it as a sort of basis. I bring this up because I'd like to point out that a whole team of artists worked on the art for that game- not just two.

Second, I'm not really prepared to do much digital art. I don't have a way to get scans onto my 3DS, so for right now I'm just working on sketches and concepts. I'm hoping we can do BGs on paper and scan them to put right into the game, with little to no digital editing. As far as sprites go though, my hands are tied. A computer based program is difficult because my parents are kinda anuses about me being on the computer a lot. I was thinking I could send scans to another artist who could tidy them up?

Thirdly, I don't know how much @ExcaliburZero knows about this, but @Sabre-Hecate and I have been thinking of having my sister work on the background music. She can do guitar, piano, and singing, and we're working on composing things together. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Cheers guys! Let's keep at it!

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Holy art, Batman~!

I'm fine with adding those two, as long as they understand our vision and stuff~! I definitely understand what you're saying about huge ass amounts of art.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

If you can get other people to help out then that would be great. We could use as many people as we can get. Anyone who wants to help out should make a GitHub account so they can use the Issue Tracker.

While I can't do a lot digital art, I am familiar with the processes behind it, and I can help with getting people up to speed on how to do it.

Anything that needs to be done computer-side I can help with.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

omg do we understand our vision?

right, I'll do my best to get them in the loop. And thank you again- feel free to pick up helpers when you need them too; the more the merrier!!

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

It felt like the standard phrase for when more people join a group :P


juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

ganbatte, obviously

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Ganbatte studios making the game Ganbatte? Seems legit. :dango:

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

aw yeah total legitimacy

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

The team that made Katawa Shoujo was named Four Leaf Studios.

I'd recommend against using just Ganbatte for the studio name, for search engine optimization reasons. I'm not sure whether Ganbatte Studios would work well or not. I'll do some quick research.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

:dango: :dango: :dango:

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

:dango: Three Dango Studios :dango:

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago


ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

From my quick research, there was one former company in Florida in 2012 called "Ganbatte Studios LLC", and one artist on Facebook who goes by the username "Ganbatte Studios"

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

We have to kill him.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

There can only be one

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Battle Royale rules.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

@Sabre-Hecate You mean "her" right?

Also there is a company called "CrossFit Ganbatte" that has gym studios.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

In total it looks like there shouldn't be too many search engine issues with "Ganbatte Studios".

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Yes. Her.. And we shall destroy that gym.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

3 dango studios works though we should say like 6 dango studios because there will be 6 people and they're all dangoes

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

The only thing that concerns me about the name "Ganbatte Studios" is the facebook page. It should be fine, but if we can come up with something different that isn't being used at all, then that might be better.

"Three Dango Studios" / "3 Dango Studios" could work.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

cries because I made that up as a joke


:dango: :dango: :dango: 6 Dango Studios :dango: :dango: :dango:

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

If you want to do the number being based on the number of staff, we could do "Infinite Dango Studios". Because we don't know for sure how many people might join the studio.

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Infinite Dango? swims in swimming pool of dango Constructs a statue of Nagisa and Ushio out of dango DANGO, DANGO, DANGO, DAIKAZOKU

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

certainly or we could do Dangoes At The so it would be Dangoes At The Studios

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

I just said 6 because it's 6 so far the name can be "infinite" until the game comes out then we'll tally our forces

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

Yes, tally the forces when we finish!

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

"Dangoes At The Studios" looks kind of odd. I don't feel like it flows very well.

We may not want to have a set number if we go with "X Dango Studios", because if for any reason it varies, then it could be a bit awkward of a situation.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

this is true perhaps we could be "Hella Losers Club Studios" oooh do we need a logo?

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

We will need a logo. Though it might be best to make it as a vector graphic (.svg) so resizing it will never be a problem. As vector graphics can be resized to any size without issue.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

hm. I'll have to get on that later now I have sprite work cries

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago

You can do it :v:

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago


juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah good one I see what you did there

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I think I will open a new issue for coming up with the studio name.

juanitaylor commented 9 years ago

good thinking!

Sabre-Hecate commented 9 years ago


ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I have setup an issue on the name of the studio at #10.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Since no one else has made any comments on this issue for about a month, I will close this issue.