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Exporting back to Twine? #64

Open DongerZone opened 6 years ago

DongerZone commented 6 years ago

Twine doesn't use the .twee format anymore, so I'm not able to even use the Twee export tool at all.

fragmental commented 5 years ago

@DongerZone I think you can use twee2 to convert twee files into the html files that twine2 understands. But I haven't tried it.

fragmental commented 5 years ago here is another potential option.

It would be nice if yarn could export twine2 files, but I'm actually more interested in importing them.

fragmental commented 5 years ago is probably the easiest solution, if you can handle a command line

Edit: I just extracted the tweego archive and then extracted the story formats into that folder. Then I opened a command line in that folder and did a command that looked like this tweego -o example_1.html example_1.twee , to turn the twee into a Harlowe html file, which I can then open with Twine 2. However, the first time I ran the command, I was given some code :: StorySettings(you'll need both lines). I opened the file in a code editor(I used notepad++) and pasted the code at the top. In addition you will also want to add some lines that look like this:

:: StoryTitle
Untitled Story

replacing "Untitled Story" with the name of your story and optionally

:: StoryAuthor

replacing "Anonymous" with the name of the author/

There are other options you can use, like changing which story format is created, which is outlined in the documentation