InfinitePosters / Gitducate

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Definir Backend #2

Open rpalaciosg opened 9 months ago

rpalaciosg commented 9 months ago

Define the whole suite or Stack of technologies & tools for the Gitducate backend.

Here are some alternatives to help us decide:

Data Base

Programming language & frameworks

Source code control tool

Automation tools


hosting platform

rpalaciosg commented 9 months ago

@hardstonepaul @jorge9372

rpalaciosg commented 8 months ago

Estoy jugando un poco, para el diagra de la base para la autenticación del usuario, esta con formato mermaid markdown

    USER ||--o{ USER-ROL : allows
    USER {
        string Id PK
        string userName 
        string ClientName
        int accessFiledCount
        boolean TwoFactorEnabled
        string tipo
        string securityStamp
        string RefreshToken
        string RefreshTokenExpirationTime
        stirng PasswordHash
        string InitialPage
        string NormalizedEmail
        string LockoutEnabled
        string Status
        string email
        boolean EmailConfirmed
    ROL ||--o{ USER-ROL : allows
    ROL {
        string id PK
        string NormalizedName
        string name

    USER-ROL {
        string id PK
        string userId FK
        string rolId FK