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♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure and prevent secret leaks.
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feat: cli env upload #1817

Open quinton11 opened 2 weeks ago

quinton11 commented 2 weeks ago

Closes #1612 @maidul98

@akhilmhdh wrt the commented out block in secret-service.ts, using the cli secrets set command, where in this case the secret key already exists, instead of updating the existing secret with the new value it always gave this response

error: CallUpdateSecretsV3: Unsuccessful response. Please make sure your secret path, workspace and environment name are all correct [response={"statusCode":400,"message":"Secret already exist","error":"BadRequest"}]
Unable to process secret update request

Commenting out that block resolves it. Is it by design or its a bug?

akhilmhdh commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @quinton11 Its a valid block and it should not be commented out. Its a check to ensure the new key submitted doesn't exist

quinton11 commented 2 weeks ago

@akhilmhdh pushed an update undoing the comment