Infisical / infisical

♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
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Infisical agent should support AWS auth #1915

Open jasonhernandez opened 3 weeks ago

jasonhernandez commented 3 weeks ago

Feature description

The Infisical agent should support AWS auth

Why would it be useful?

The Infisical CLI / agent is the most straightforward way to access secrets in Docker containers run with docker-compose / swarm etc. If the agent supported AWS auth, it could use the IAM role attached to the instance it is running on and not require a provisioned token / secret.

Additional context

This would make machine identities notably more useful vs. service tokens and simplify my migration. I expect this would benefit other users. I don't use Azure or GCP but those methods would likely help users on those cloud providers. Thanks.

vmatsiiako commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @jasonhernandez! Yes, indeed. @DanielHougaard is actually working on this at the moment.