Infixo / Civ6-Real-Strategy

Civ6 Real Strategy mod
8 stars 1 forks source link

Mod review: Naturalist and other Units AI Fix #32

Closed Infixo closed 1 year ago

Infixo commented 1 year ago


SilverFoxG made some interesting tweaks.

Removed RANGED tag from Siege units. DELETE FROM UnitAiInfos WHERE AiType = 'UNITTYPE_RANGED' AND UnitType IN (SELECT UnitType FROM Units WHERE PromotionClass = 'PROMOTION_CLASS_SIEGE');

Added UnitAI_Build tag to all units that can well actually build things. ('UNIT_NATURALIST', 'UNITAI_BUILD'), ('UNIT_MAORI_TOA', 'UNITAI_BUILD'), ('UNIT_CANADA_MOUNTIE', 'UNITAI_BUILD'), ('UNIT_PORTUGUESE_NAU', 'UNITAI_BUILD'),

Fixed Warrior Monk - ok


Infixo commented 1 year ago

Vanilla game. UNITAI_BUILD: builder, military engineer, roman legion UNITTYPE_SIEGE_ALL: catapult, trebuchet, bombard, artillery, rocket art., battering ram, siege tower, gdr, antiair gun (why??), mobile sam (why??) siege units that are ranged: artillery, rock. art., bombard, catapult, trebuchet, khmer domrey

Real Strategy. UNITAI_BUILD - same as vanilla. TODO UNITTYPE_SIEGE_ALL - vanilla + domrey + bombers TODO: remove anti-air siege & ranged - same as vanilla. I am not sure. CHECK.

Where is UNITTYPE_RANGED used? - rebellion tags - city attack forces but NOT walled cities. So it is not used in behavior trees nor AiOpDefs. It is only for OpTeamRequirements - composition of various teams. So, it would be beneficial to actually differentiate siege from ranged.

UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE (bombers) - OpTeamRequirements 'City Attack Force', BH 'Siege City Assault', nodes 38 & 53 => Operation Air Assault UNITTYPE_NAVAL_SIEGE - unique for RST UNITTYPE_SIEGE (land siege units) - OpTeamRequirements 'City Attack Force', BH 'Simple City Tree', node 1 => City Attack, weird... this is for CITY_EVENT_DEFAULT UNITTYPE_SIEGE_ALL (land siege, +ram, +tower) - OpTeams 'City Attack Force', no BH UNITTYPE_SIEGE_SUPPORT (ram, tower, med, eng, bal, anti-air) - OpTeams 'City Attack Force', BH 'Siege City Assault' node 13 Make Formation

Conclusion. UNITTYPE_ is used mainly for OpTeamRequirements and rarely Behavior Trees.