Infiziert90 / ChatTwo

European Union Public License 1.2
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Tell Unable to Send While in Instance #81

Open EdwardShipp opened 2 weeks ago

EdwardShipp commented 2 weeks ago

When attempting to send a tell, such as by right click send tell, the text will turn pink to imply that it is going to send as tell but send the following error: To use that command, you must add the World name to the PC name (PC Name@World Name).

Tell works normally while outside of instances

Infiziert90 commented 2 weeks ago

You can't tell in instance, that never worked nor does vanilla chat work

The only exceptions are bozja and eureka

EdwardShipp commented 2 weeks ago

Oh, I forgot that was a specific limitation. This was in Eureka that I was receiving the error messages, so I'm not sure why vanilla chat would work but not a tell in chat2. I just spend most of my time there I forgot other instances weren't able to use tell in.