In my organization, we try to reserve the first 10 IPs in any given network. I modified the "get_next_available_ip" function to include the ability to exclude a range starting at the first address in the network. This could easily be further modified for any range. I've named the new function "get_next_available_ip_long":
def get_next_available_ip_long(self, network, num):
""" Implements IBA next_available_ip REST API call
Returns IP v4 address
:param network: network in CIDR format
Modified to include param num
param num is integer, will exclude that many addresses starting at .0
def ip_exclude(start, count):
This sub-function creates a list of excluded IPs for the next_available IP
Right now it only works to exclude the first x addresses in a range
start_addr = start[:-3] #chomps the "/24" off the network name
start_addr_list = start_addr.split(".") #splits the network on each dot
start_oct4 = int(start_addr_list[3]) #changes the 4th octet to an int
start_oct4_str = start_addr_list[3] #creates a string value for the 4th octet
count = int(count)
end_oct4 = start_oct4 + count #sets the end of the reserved range
end_oct4_str = str(end_oct4) #makes a string variable for that
end_addr = start_addr_list[0] + "." + start_addr_list[1] + "." + start_addr_list[2] + "." + end_oct4_str
exclude_range = []
while start_oct4 < end_oct4:
start_oct4 = start_oct4 + 1
temp_oct4 = str(start_oct4)
temp_addr = start_addr_list[0] + "." + start_addr_list[1] + "." + start_addr_list[2] + "." + temp_oct4
return exclude_range #returns a list of excluded addresses for post_data
exclude = ip_exclude(network, num)
rest_url = 'https://' + self.iba_host + '/wapi/v' + self.iba_wapi_version + '/network?network=' + network + '&network_view=' + self.iba_network_view
r = requests.get(url=rest_url, auth=(self.iba_user, self.iba_password), verify=self.iba_verify_ssl)
r_json = r.json()
if r.status_code == 200:
if len(r_json) > 0:
net_ref = r_json[0]['_ref']
rest_url = 'https://' + self.iba_host + '/wapi/v' + self.iba_wapi_version + '/' + net_ref + '?_function=next_available_ip'
post_data = {"num":1,'exclude':exclude}
#this is the infoblox-approved "long-form" version of the "next available IP" call
r =, auth=(self.iba_user, self.iba_password), verify=self.iba_verify_ssl, data=json.dumps(post_data))
r_json = r.json()
if r.status_code == 200:
ip_v4 = r_json['ips'][0]
return ip_v4
if 'text' in r_json:
if 'code' in r_json and r_json['code'] == 'Client.Ibap.Data':
raise InfobloxNoIPavailableException(r_json['text'])
raise InfobloxGeneralException(r_json['text'])
raise InfobloxNotFoundException("No requested network found: " + network)
if 'text' in r_json:
raise InfobloxGeneralException(r_json['text'])
except ValueError:
raise Exception(r)
except Exception:
You may want to check out which is what we use in the Infoblox IPAM driver for OpenStack. This is the one that has active development by Infoblox.
In my organization, we try to reserve the first 10 IPs in any given network. I modified the "get_next_available_ip" function to include the ability to exclude a range starting at the first address in the network. This could easily be further modified for any range. I've named the new function "get_next_available_ip_long":