Infocatcher / Private_Tab

Adds private tabs, restartless extension for Firefox (20.0+) and SeaMonkey (2.17+)
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"(private tab)" is unreadable on systems with light-on-dark tooltip themes #38

Closed ssokolow closed 11 years ago

ssokolow commented 11 years ago

I run Lubuntu Linux and, like the main Ubuntu distribution, the default theme uses tooltips with a dark background and white text.

Because you use hyperlink blue for your "(private tab)" text, that means I can barely see that it's there... let alone read it.

It'd be better to use the system-provided colors and just make "(private tab)" stand out by making it bold and possibly underlined.

Infocatcher commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately system colors aren't good too: only gray variants on Windows and may be not compatible with non-default themes.

Infocatcher commented 11 years ago

With 17afdcf842411380083627413d7e96e2dc3e9e73 commit for bright default text will be used following style:

#privateTab-tooltip-isPrivateTabLabel {
    color: currentColor;
    text-decoration: underline;
    -moz-text-decoration-color: currentColor;
    -moz-text-decoration-style: dashed;

Test version: private_tab-0.1.1pre15-fx-sm.xpi

ssokolow commented 11 years ago

My mistake. I didn't mean to specifically say that system colours should always be used. What I meant but didn't communicate properly was that, if the theme decides to use system-provided colors, the tooltips should follow along to avoid this kind of breakage.

The test version is perfectly readable though the "(private tab)" label isn't as eye-grabbing with only a dashed underline.

(Hence why I suggested using bold to replace the blue colour. It'd look good and be simpler than the alternative: Using colour theory to generate candidate foreground colors that complement the background color, calculating the luminosity contrast ratio of each, and then picking one with a ratio of at least 5:1.)

Infocatcher commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure about bold text... Some theme may use it. And bold text appearance is font-dependent. Also I think, that underline is mere specific and more likely will not be used in themes.

About alternative. I really won't use complex things for simple features. Here may be background images or background gradients...

So, I think, this fix is good approach. :) And may be easily corrected using userChrome.css – not so easily as using some options, but better than nothing.

Really here is another issue: missing options for private tabs appearance. But many users asks about "something instead of underline". And this is problem with themes compatibility. Only underline and changed icons from example styles looks good in most themes. But I prefer original icons.

Infocatcher commented 11 years ago

So, can I close this issue? :)

ssokolow commented 11 years ago

Yeah. My only concern with the underline is that it might not be as eye-grabbing as intended. If you're OK with that, then the test version is perfect.

Infocatcher commented 11 years ago

OK, I tested, and bold + underline looks not so bad. :)