Informatica-EIC / REST-API-Samples

This repository contains Java samples for EIC REST API. For instructions on running the samples, see the Readme files in the java directory.
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lineage_validator - confusing stack trace when the Association is incorrect #42

Open greg-infa opened 1 year ago

greg-infa commented 1 year ago

Hi Darren,

When the Association in validated file is incorrect (for example Core.DataSetDataFlow instead of core.DataSetDataFlow) then EDC returns 500 error, as a response for association query (/access/2/catalog/data/objects inside validate_edc_id. The script throws a confusing stack trace in this case:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 396, in <module>
  File "", line 111, in main
  File "", line 161, in validate_lineage_file
    validated_row = validate_lineage_row(row)
  File "", line 233, in validate_lineage_row
    row_to_validate["From Object"], row_to_validate["Association"]
  File "", line 359, in validate_edc_id
    return (is_valid, message, result)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment

It can be modified like this (still not perfect, but anyway):

    if tResp.status_code == 200:
        result = json.loads(tResp.text)
        object_count = result["metadata"]["totalCount"]
        if object_count == 1:
            is_valid = "True"
        print('EDC query failed with response code %d !!!' % tResp.status_code)
        if tResp.text:
            print("Response text %s" % tResp.text)

so it still fails (as it should), but the message is more meaningful:

EDC query failed with response code 500 !!!
Response text {"timestamp":1678184006345,"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"java.util.NoSuchElementException: AssociationKind not found: Core.DataSetDataFlow","path":"/access/2/catalog/data/objects"}

Regards Greg