Open MantaRayDeeJay opened 3 years ago
Some comments on the review points: ESD: no low cost dev board that i know of has ESD on the usb input and this version is still kinda intended to be lowcost and possible to hand solder
U2: connected the same way basically all charger boards have the mosfet connected (some even have filled plane). also doesn't cause any electrical issues at all
VBat track width: not really possible with the layout and it is also sufficient for the expected current (slightly improved it already)
@Tobi3566 ESD Protection: why and how to protect microcontrollers efficiently
_Review Status : Finished
DRC Issues
3D Package
I2C chips (except for the LC709203 fuel gauge) and I2C Pull-Up resistors should should be powered by the same 3v3_I2C power.
Rename Vbat label by bat+ on the "Battery Protection" sheet to improve reading and avoid any confuse.
DRC Issues
"GND" MouTinG Holes issue
Track loop : GND tracks between C11&18 and C10&C16
Track loop : GND track between U2.2 and U2.3 pins.
Track loop : Disconnect some 3v3_I2c tracks and increase some 3v3_I2c tracks width.
Track over plane : Remove the Vbat track which is over the Vbat Plane shape.
Plane shape : Improve Vbat- plane shape layout.
Plane shape : Improve Vbat+ plane shape layout. (1) Path between Battery connector and TP4056 : Remove Loops and improve path width
(2) Utility of Bottom track bridge ? It adds loops, not needed.
(3) Power Path on the plane : From Battery connector to TP4056 charger chip, +5V, +3.3V and +3.3V_MCU regulators.
(4) Improve Regulator Power Path
Plane shape : Improve Inductor L1 plane shapes + Add a GND shield Plane shape
Clock Signal : Improve Clearance for the CLK pin of the FLASH chip.
Remove Mouting Holes copper area in the ESP32 Antenna clearance area.
Ref. Des. string Overlap the copper layer
Remove Mouting Hole Ref. Des. String on SilkSreen layer
Replace "Artemis" string by "ESP32" on ESP32 board.
3D Packages