Informatievlaanderen / OSLO-SpecificationGenerator

Generates HTML specification pages based on RDF vocabularies.
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it is no longer possible to determine what is causing errors #25

Open nvdk opened 5 years ago

nvdk commented 5 years ago

I would recommend reverting this commit: 247f1e3c6aabe7514b24931df8ebdf63be9e85d84f . which removed this precious debug information

bertvannuffelen commented 5 years ago

Dag Niels,

The above hash seems not to be present in the commit. Am I looking to the wrong repository? Could it be the ea-to-rdf repo you are referring to?



nvdk commented 5 years ago

Hey Bert,

I was refering to this commit 7f1e3c6aabe7514b24931df8ebdf63be9e85d84f . It seems I got the wrong hash somehow :). This (removed) print statement is very valuable in determining on what property the script is failing, perhaps it can be placed behind a debug switch?