Informatievlaanderen / OSLO-UML-Transformer

Software components that are used within the OSLO Toolchain
MIT License
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Semantic dependency injection with Components.js #1

Closed ddvlanck closed 5 months ago

ddvlanck commented 2 years ago

Issue type:


Now the AppRunner is able to receive any configuration file with configuration options for a converter or one or more generators. The configuration file also allows setting a converter or generator(s) by adding their package names to the corresponding key in the JSON file.

Instead of passing JSON configuration files to the AppRunner, it should be able to work with a semantic configuration file (e.g. JSON-LD), which can be done by working with Components.js. Working with Components.js allows us to describe better the workflow (converter, generators, configuration interface) that we pass to the AppRunner. We don't have to bother adding their package names to configuration anymore.

ddvlanck commented 2 years ago

Components.js is already embedded in the packages as components are already being generated upon the build script. However, due to some issues, it is not yet possible to pass a semantic configuration file (JSON-LD) to the AppRunner as the execution fails.

Once the issues in Components.js are fixed, this issue will be picked up.

ddvlanck commented 5 months ago

Won't add this in the near future