In the current version of the model there is a relation Consent.isProvidedToAgent. As an Agent can be not only a DataController (and also a DataRequester but in issue #9 we argue that this class is unnecessary) but also a DataSubject, it is now possible for a DataSubject to ask Consent for the Processing of PersonalData (of a DataSubject). Altough it is possible of course that someone that has been the DataSubject in a previous request for Consent, the moment an Agent asks himself for Consent he becomes a DataController and is no longer the DataSubject. (One cannot be DataSubject and DataController for the same Consent.)
Description In the current version of the model there is a relation Consent.isProvidedToAgent. As an Agent can be not only a DataController (and also a DataRequester but in issue #9 we argue that this class is unnecessary) but also a DataSubject, it is now possible for a DataSubject to ask Consent for the Processing of PersonalData (of a DataSubject). Altough it is possible of course that someone that has been the DataSubject in a previous request for Consent, the moment an Agent asks himself for Consent he becomes a DataController and is no longer the DataSubject. (One cannot be DataSubject and DataController for the same Consent.)
Solution Remove the association Consent->Agent.