live data is now encoded as a boolean. This property is hard to interpret. Do you mean is live data or is not live data?
Current definition: Stating if the data should be a snapshot (i.e., not live data) or if the consent requires access to the latest version of the data (i.e., live data)
The issue with boolean as range is that the semantics of the true/false may shift over time. Better approach is to turn it into a property having a code list as value.
code: livedata/snaphot = 'the data is a snapshot'
code: livedata/livedata = 'the data is the latest, ignoring any caching in the middle'
live data is now encoded as a boolean. This property is hard to interpret. Do you mean is live data or is not live data?
Current definition: Stating if the data should be a snapshot (i.e., not live data) or if the consent requires access to the latest version of the data (i.e., live data)
The issue with boolean as range is that the semantics of the true/false may shift over time. Better approach is to turn it into a property having a code list as value.
code: livedata/snaphot = 'the data is a snapshot' code: livedata/livedata = 'the data is the latest, ignoring any caching in the middle'