Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-consent

GitHub repository for the OSLO trajectory "consent"
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relationship with OSLO standards #22

Closed bertvannuffelen closed 1 year ago

bertvannuffelen commented 2 years ago

Question: how does this specification coincides/overlaps/relates with and related data standards?

In these, a form of consent is described w.r.t. the processing by public organisations.

michaelgeamanu commented 2 years ago

OSLO Contactvoorkeuren was looked into at the beginning of the trajectory. Although it indeed describes a form of "consent", it is to narrow to use in the use cases determined for our data model. GConsent and DPV are both more in line with GDPR and were better prepared to cover several of our use cases. For example the use of the terms data controller, third party, data processor and data subject in GConsent are more appropriate than agent which was used in Contactvoorkeuren. Hence, it was more logical to use GConsent and DPV as a basis instead of Constactvoorkeuren on which we would have had to add several of the principles which are already being used in DPV and GConsent (e.g., the data being shared, the purpose etc.).

Additionally it helped that GConsent and DPV were written in Englisch, which made them more easy to reuse.

From OSLO Generiek, OSLO Persoon and OSLO Organisatie we reuse the classes Agent, RegisteredPerson and RegisteredOrganisation to identify the involved parties. Additionally OSLO, GConsent and DPV are traceable to the foaf data model as the basis for the agents used in de models.