Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-consent

GitHub repository for the OSLO trajectory "consent"
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mapping Location #32

Open bertvannuffelen opened 2 years ago

bertvannuffelen commented 2 years ago


The class is mapped on prov-o:Location, why is it not locn:Location as in OSLO-generiek? (SEMIC Core Vocabularies).

michaelgeamanu commented 2 years ago

This class was added by Geert Thijs and directly imported from OSLO Generiek. I double checked the URI used in OSLO Generiek and it is the same one.

If needed, I am happy to adapt this, but can you please share the correct URI for me to chance it accordingly?

GeertThijs commented 2 years ago

This was indeed intentionally. There is a difference between localization (indicating position) and a location (a place). PROV:Location stands for all possible ways to localize something, namely in a direct way by using DirectPosition or Geometry (resp coordinaties and coordinates+form) or indirectly by using an Address, a GeographicalName, a Place, a localized object (eg a Building, a Parcel), a webaddress. The concept Place in the aformentioned list is some designated and named area like a Municipality, a City, a Region, even a Country or StatisticalSector. This definition seemed to corresond with locn:Location. So we used PROV:Location rather than locn:Location for Consent.location to allow fore all possible ways (not only by mentioning a Place) to indicate where the Consent was given.

GeertThijs commented 2 years ago

In a simplified diagram this would like like this: Locatie REMARK: The package names (eg PROV, LOCN etc) refer to existing ontologies. These ontologies however are based on existing geographical standards like ISO TC211 series, INSPIRE, OGC etc.